New look

• Sep 17, 2013 - 20:22

I don't like it myself. It is much harder to read, for one thing. Why colours?


After a quick look: I love it!! But......
Why did the staff deleted the old possibility to log in using the '.org' username
and password? I completely forgot my '.com' username and password due to not using it
for a long time. Had to search in my archive to dig them up!
What if I did not find them? Then I had to made an new account.
A simple email to all the forum members to make them aware was the least what the staff could do is my humble opinion.

FWIW, the main issue I see is when viewing on my iPad - the reply link overlaps with mark as spam, kind of like this:

reply mark as

Kind of looks visually like the two options are "reply spam" and "mark as". And makes it very easy to accidentally mark things as spam when trying to reply.

Where has the ability to contact a user through their account gone?

Not being able to find this caused me to have to publish my work email address in the Issue Tracker yesterday.

Not happy about that.

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