Anti-accents (Ghosting)

• Jul 6, 2017 - 19:11


I am currently in the process of writing a piano solo, that requires anti-accented notes. Looking at the current options for ornaments in MuseScore, there aren't any that look like this .

I currently use the parentheses in the accidentals category as anti-accents, but would be nice is if such ornaments were added in a future update, along with the ability of the ornaments to "ghost" the note in the playback.




There are parentheses in the Noteheads palette, in the Advanced workspace, too. The U shape symbol is in the Symbols section of the Master palette, search for 'unstress'. Neither would have any effect on playback though.
The latter (the U shape symbol) will be in the Articulations section of the Master palette in the next major version of MuseScore and will have playback effect, IIRC.
You might be able to fake that softer Sound by changing the notes' velocity in Inspector, or by using the Pianoroll editor

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