New to Forum

• Jan 15, 2014 - 02:37

Coming in to say hello... I'm a composer of many years on my 629th composition. I've quill pen and inked it all these years and kept silent about my work. Finding a program & a forum such as this is a great addition to my new MBP OS X 10.9 Maverick.

I'd like to go public with my repertoire from the age of 6 until now at 43 a 629 composition library, all classical from instrumental, symphonic, piano sonatas, choral works, masses, operas, etc....

However of as right now Sibeleus 7 is incompatible with my particular OS of all the things! SO TONGUE OUT TO AVID UNTIL THEY FIX IT!! IN THE MEANWHILE MuseScore has been amazing.

I'd love some input from you MuseScore Pros out there on the finer pint of using this program; particularly getting the sounds to become more real, and the tweaks here and there most of you talented young kids know how to do. I'm not computer illiterate. I've owned a video production company for years, and am familiar with the language, but I held my music close to my chest and as something sacred; but it's time now for others to have a listen. SO I'll be in here and there reading up and saying hello.

Fair Winds,

Maestro Desdichado



First, some bad news - the current version of MuseScore (1.3) has issues with Mavericks as well. But 1.2 seems to work well for people.

For better sounds, you need to install a different SoundFont. See Soundfont in the Handbook. And if you haven't read the entire Handbook - or at least looked through it all - that wouldn't be a terrible idea. Also be sure to watch the tutorial videos on the main page. The "tour" you can access on that page is also useful for getting an overview of what can be done.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

See this was my conundrum; my MBP from 2007 was ready to pop her clogs, and I never updated os's which left me back in 10.6 or something. Nonetheless, I wasted to buy sibelius 7 until I saw this link:… Needless to say I was livid. My luck needing the MBP same time I needed a notation software that would work and play back for things like my choir pieces and so forth. I held off getting sibelius 7 atm until they or apple work out their bugs. So I'm interested to know here what issues have you seen with MuseScore and Mavericks? I'd hate for this very large project of notating over 600 pieces to crumble. Quite a few of these pieces need to be dead on for musicians to read, sing and play...

In reply to by Maestro Desdichado

Do a search for Mavericks on this forum and you'll see a number of crashes - simple things that should work (like hitting the concert pitch button, or using measure properties, or transposing a score) but crash the program every time for people running Mavericks. And some extreme slowdowns, although those go apparently away if you put the computer to sleep and wake it up again. Also a couple of stranger reported behaviors that no one has definitively proved are Mavericks-caused but seem like they might be. Reverting to MuseScore 1.2 seems to have fixed the problems for those affected, and you barely miss out on anything.

Seems quite likely some of these problems are simply bugs in Mavericks, so if you're going to be livid, be sure you are directing your anger appropriately. Others might be places where programs were taking advantage of unspecified behavior that happened to work in older MacOS's and on all version of Windows and all versions of Linux but for whatever reason work differently on Mavericks, but I still kind of blame Apple for that.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'm quite impressed with your knowledge and kinda figured that if Sibelius, Pro Tools and Finale were having problems and now unbeknownst to me, MuseScore as well then I truly must divert my animosity towards apple. Geez man, Apple sucks you in since 2005 with great multi-media features and a wonderful OS that I worked with since 2007 garnering absolute trust to shoot from the hip and get MBP now in 2014 for €2600 plus change just to see that in the end it just may serve as more an expensive office tool. I really hope not, and I hope that apple gets their act together. I mean, generally we take certain features for granted (well, I do), I make the purchase just to see, "Hey where do I put DVD's? How would I hard install Sibelius when OS 10.9 gets their act together?" . GRRR., GRRR and GRRR.... What's your thoughts? Do you think our voices will be heard by Apple? Or do you thick we'll always need to rig our own systems just to get our work done??? I'd love to hear more...

In reply to by Maestro Desdichado

Well, I can't *prove* any of this is Apple's fault. And I have no idea if anyone has even identified all the issues involved and reported them. The workaround Thomas mentions is, as far as I know, only for the poor performance. And as mentioned, an Apple update fixes some of the crashes. But as far as I know, other crashes remain. Might turn out to be Apple's fault, might turn out to be Qt's, might turn out to be MuseScore's - no way to be sure at this point.

Meanwhile, if I were you I'd just install MuseScore 1.2 and get on with it.

Welcome Maestro :)

I am a convert from Finale :) I was about to spend hundreds of pounds to upgrade to Finale 2011 when I decided to see whether the Open Source world had anything equivalent.

That is when I found MuseScore - I became an immediate convert :)

The best thing to do regarding the finer points of the program is to post any queries you have here on the forums. There are a number of the community dedicated to providing support for people needing help with MuseScore, and you will usually get an answer to your question within 6 hours.

Regarding better sounds, playback is currently the Achilles heel of the software, as the development team concentrate on solving music engraving issues, but you may find the work of Peter Schaffter helpful:-

My own expertise within MuseScore is related to producing unmetrical scores, so should you need help with that I would be very happy to advise you. I also manage the Instrument list for the soon to be released MuseScore 2, and am currently engaged in tweaking soundfonts for better use in MuseScore.


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