My Post
List only the posts on the guest page?
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List only the posts on the guest page?
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C.png | 14.65 KB |
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Could you elaborate your question?
In reply to Could you elaborate your… by Thomas
Previously 'My posts' gave the 'personal' list on all pages (eg En / IT / ES, etc.) now only on the start page:
select 'My Post' and I will come to this conversation.
Not even at and
Try changing in the browser box only EN in IT etc.
In reply to Previously 'My posts' gave… by Shoichi
Indeed, this is still on our to-do list.
The "my posts" issue is fixed now. Thank you for your patience.
In reply to The "my posts" issue is… by Thomas
Thank you!
For curiosity: How can a post of Jul 8, 2014 be updated by 23 minutes?
In reply to Thank you!… by Shoichi
You mean ? Strange indeed
In reply to Thank you!… by Shoichi
I fixed a link in that comment, which was broken.