
• Feb 3, 2014 - 15:13

Hi, I'm very grateful for the help received a few days ago and have now got the hang of frames and text. There was an excellent video as well which finally got me to manage the short-width bar on the 2nd page. Today I've spent time again and this document is coming on, pleased enough with the first page. I have three questions. 1) I can't insert an F# key signature at the beginning of all the staves on the second page. I have tried putting another empty bar in in case you can't alter the first bar with the intention of deleting but that doesn't work. I can put the bass clef F# in. I can put any other key signature. But not treble clef F#
2) Since I was adding the short bar and text about the key signature, the rest didn't fit onto the second page and so I went into Style - page - staff distance (see, I'm coming on!!) but this alters the whole document. So now the bit of text at the bottom of page one should be on page two. So how do I get page two staff to be a bit more squashed together than page one - and therefore the text at the bottom of P 1 back onto P 2.
It seems also (this might be irrelevant) that you can only add a vertical frame for that page (see I had the bright idea of putting a vert frame before the 1st bar on P2 so I could push the text now at the bottom of P 1 back onto P 2) but nothing happened.
3) One of my many reply-ers last time suggested I should disable key signatures anyway if I'm trying to do this kind of thing where the key signatures are going to change with every page. But how? I know how to make it invisible and prevent courtesy ones.
Do I have to do this before I start a document, assuming it's possible and I find out how?
Thank you - I've no hopes of every getting this finished but I'm learning a lot!

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scales and arpeggios for Natalia.mscz 3.62 KB


Style> Edit General Style> Page
Put a check mark on the Create key signature for all system
(and uncheck the Create courtesy key signature instead of hiding them)
It may be fine to start with?

it is easier (for me) to attach an example:
Staves third intervals, right-click / Measure properties = 7/1 (it seems more balanced);
Analyze settings of> Style / Edit General Style:
System (fix number of measure).

Can it go?

Attachment Size
scales and arpeggios for Natalia 1.mscz 3.28 KB

In reply to by Shoichi

I've understood the measure duration - I hadn't come across that before and didn't know you could do that.
I didn't understand Style / Edit General Style:Page; System (fix number of measure). It didn't say that when I did all that - ie I couldn't find where it says system, fix no. of measure - but also I don't understand what it is that you're explaining. Fix the numbers of which bars - on a page or in the whole thing or what? Sorry to not understand.
I appreciate to just sort one hing out at a time.
Thank you for helping.

1. I don't understand what you are saying about key signatures. I can put key signatures in anywhere I like in your score, either staff, any key signature. But because it appears you have turned off the option to *display* the key signatures at the start of systems (Style / Edit General Style / Page / Create key sig. for all systems), the key signature doens't *display* at the start of a system - only if you change keys mid-system. I assume you you must have previously disabled this option yourself, because it defaults to being on. Maybe you turned it off because on some staves you *don't* want to see the key signature? If so, then better to just hide it on the staves where you don't want it.

2. As for staff distance, the short answer is, you cannot *decrease* distance for two one system only - you can only *increase* it. So if you must have one system tighter than the others, set that to be the default, and use a spacer (see Breaks & Spacer palette) to increase it elsewhere. Generally, though, this is *not* how one would normally go about fitting more music on a page. Much better to reduce the staff or system space by a small amount globally, and/or reduce the overall size of the notation via layout / page settings / space. But what you want is actually different - you want *less* music on page 1, right? That's easy - just add a page break from that same Break & Spacer palette.

3. See my comment in #1. You *did* disable key signatures at the start of each system; that's why they don't seem to appear when you add them. But that option should is only for use when you truly don't ever want any key signatures to appear at the start of a system. If you want key signatures sometimes but not other times, then you should just hide the ones you don't want. In your case, though, I don't understand what you are doing at all here. You have a key signature of G major (one sharp, F) on many parts of the first page, but you aren't showing that key signature. Why bother having it? The whole first page should be the key of C, should it not? Then you wouldn't have needed to hide anything. It sounds like maybe you want the whole first page to be key of C, the whole second page key of G (one sharp - F#). In which case, you should turn key signatures back on, delete the numerous key signature changes you seem to have added, and just add the one going in to the second page. Unfortunately, I can't seem to delete all the spurious key changes - I suspect all the mucking about that has happened so far has corrupted your score. I could be wrong, but if I were you, I'd start over with a fresh empty score, and this timer only add key signatures on the page changes, and don't turn key signatures off - just hide the ones you don't want. I would also question why you are hiding anything - why not show the key signatures on every system like regular music does?

In the future, it's better to start separate threads for separate questions - it can get kind of convoluted following discussion of so many unrelated issues in one thread.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you, I appreciate what you're saying about asking one thing at a time. When I started, I was probably letting the document emerge as it went along so that's probably why it didn't have a C maj key sig at the beginning.
Yes, I was desperately trying to disable key signatures and just add my own as I went along so it all went completely muddled. I didn't know I'd actually disabled key sigs, and I didn't know that that would make it all unworkable even if I did manage it - sorry. I will start again.
The page break I should have understood - only ever used line break - that is all in the handbook. I'll get to grips with that. I also understand now about spacing.
I'll have another go. I'll have to go through what you've said sentence by sentence about the key signatures.
Thanks once more.

In reply to by HeatherL

is similar to what you have in mind, I wanted to point you in the few changes made.

- One-click on my attached file (scales and arpeggios for Natalia 1.mscz);
- Save;
- Open with MuseScore on your computer.
- Check the settings that I did.

I do what I can with Google translator (and the images ...)
Fortunately, complete and accurate explanations are not lacking in this community.
Greetings to all

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Heather.png 153.86 KB

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