cursor jumps down and up during chord symbol entry on non-top staves

• Feb 18, 2014 - 17:27
S4 - Minor


  1. take promenade example
  2. select note/rest
  3. start chord symbol entry, using Ctrl-K
  4. enter 1st chord symbol
  5. enter 'space' to progress to next beat
  6. enter chord symbol -> cursor jumps down
  7. hit 'space' to progress to next beat -> the chord symbol just entered jumps up, as does the cursor
  8. continue at 6 (ad infinitum)


Status (old) duplicate active

Well, the behavior changed last night, maybe in an attempt to fix the issue above, but it's still broken - just slightly differently. So I guess I should leave this open after all.

BTW, if you add chords to the top staff, the cursor *still* jumps as you move to the next chord, but jumps back as soon as you start typing.

It is even worse for chord symbols on the bottom staff of e.g the Promenade example and with 583de96, here it jumps between below and above the staff

And worse still for an additional staff below, there it jumps so far down that it shows up in the System below

Title cursor jumps down and up during chord symbol entry cursor jumps down and up during chord symbol entry on nopn-top staves

The jumping issue seems solved for th top staff, don't see it anymore with 151ce0c.
But it still exists for non-top staves

Title cursor jumps down and up during chord symbol entry on nopn-top staves cursor jumps down and up during chord symbol entry on non-top staves

Confirmed. And to clarify, this bug exists for any staff but the top staff of the system. Position of the editing box gets progressively lower the greater the staff number. This is true regardless of whether we are talking about a single instrument with multiple staves (eg, piano) or multiple instruments.