How do i put a eighth rest above a half note?

• Mar 8, 2014 - 03:28

I am including a picture of what i would like to accomplish. It should be attached at the bottom.

I want to put in a eighth rest over or above a half note.

I am arranging a medley from already published material and because it's from Broadway, i think these notes (which are over the bottom half notes on the same staff) are optional because this is how the lyrics sound. I would like to put these in.

FYI. the reason i'm making this is because i'm taking certain sections of a bunch of songs (they're really long songs!) and sadly the measures i'm using are at way different places in the songs (of course) and i would like a polished look to it instead of a copy that has been cut up and taped together and this way i can add a few notes to transitions and all.

Thanks in advance :)

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