HELP! Quick Question

• Mar 13, 2014 - 19:55

I have written a music score for a school project. The deadline is this Saturday!!!
Everything is fine, it looks great, one question though: why when I play it back, I am having problems with the repeat signs? All instruments do not correctly end inside in the second time (they all skip a few bars before entering the second time then only play the very last note/chord). Also in the drum parts chart, it does not repeat the rhythm in the bars with the sign that indicates the repetition of what was in the previous bar. Please, anyone's help will be greatly appreciated.



Be aware that MuseScore is focused on notation not playback.
"Repeat previous bar" WILL NOT play back - if you need playback, notate all parts you want to hear.

As far as other repeats, attach the score so we can see it, it is impossible to do more than guess based on a description of the problem.


In reply to by valerianifrank…

My guess was right: you indeed didn't extent the voltas correctly, see
Also the lyrics leave room for improvement, see
Se attached fixed files.
The 'measure repeat' sign doesn't playback in MuseScore currently, so you'd have to copy/paste the measure(s) to have proper playback, but for printing purposes it is good as it is.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Helo Jojo I am a bit confused now.. I played back your version and it is still skipping the measure and going straight into the second time. Not really sure I am understanding what should I do next. I read the link you sent me but do not understand what's wrong with my volta. Sorry, it is the first time I'm using bad... :-(

In reply to by Shoichi

Jojo fixed the volta and tweaked the lyrics, but his attachment propagated an error in measure #10 from the original poster's attachment which causes the playback of #10 to be skipped during the repeat.

Jojo also posted his solution for the corrupted measure #10 above. He wrote: 'The usual trick with corrupted measures fixed it (copy measure, delete measure with Ctrl-Del, insert a new one, paste).'


In reply to by Shoichi

Yes, but it does have to be a measure change on the second page to force page 2 to completely redraw. Drop a line break on measure 7, 8 or 9 and the double lines show as well.

Loading it into 2.0 also shows both first ending lines.

It seems your 'quick question' is turning into something other than 'quick'. :-)
Not only did the volta need adjustment, but there was something wacky - some kind of invisible volta which corrupted the playback near the first ending. The posts above explain various fixes.
I hope you now have a score that plays correctly.

FWIW: Measure #12 is missing lyrics. Also, I would change the long instrument name of the top staff from 'Alto Saxophone/Vocals' to 'Alto Saxophone/Lyrics'. The average vocalist would read the first three notes as a C#m arpeggio, since voice is not really a 'transposing' instrument as is the sax (which actually sounds as Em, in harmony with the other parts).
The vocalist would normally use a staff written as the sax part would display in concert pitch.

Regards, and welcome aboard.

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