Ho to disable natural in begining of bar?

• Oct 1, 2017 - 14:36
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In reply to by xavierjazz

Excuse me. My English is very bad. When I open a file (mxml or midi) MuseScore automaticly add natural accidental in the begging of the bar. I can't find how to disable it. Screenshot_1_0.jpg

In reply to by Sane4ek

From looking at the musicxml file, the naturals are included and MuseScore is dutifully adding them as indicated. It seems the accidentals are courtesy accidentals that you would expect in most classical scores I have seen published. These courtesy accidentals are not necessary but rather a nice reminder of the key signature.

If these accidentals are not evident in the original score, then the problem is being caused during export rather than import.

In reply to by Sane4ek

The accidental naturals are still in the musicxml file.

The previous file seemed to follow standard practice among classical music publishers. One thing that did not occur in the other file can be seen in measure 1. The second beat has a C# on it with the required accidental. The third beat starts with a C an octave above and has an unnecessary but usually included natural accidental. The fourth beat starts with a C# in the original octave with no accidental. The accidental is not required but this is begging for confusion on the part of most musicians and singers.

In reply to by Sane4ek

If you are fine with the F-sharps becoming G-flats this works fine. If you want to keep the current required accidentals the same then I would suggest that you add the key of D to the first measure while are using the up and down arrows and remove it when done.

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