Exporting Dynamics into MIDI

• May 20, 2014 - 03:44

Hi all,

I'm attempting to make my compositions more pleasing to listen to. My current method for doing this is to save the output as a MIDI and then convert it to MP3 using Timidity, a high quality soundfont, and a 24-bit conversion command (as well as LAME to take it from wav to mp3). This works wonderfully for giving me well rendered MP3's with bold sound.

The problem is, the dynamics that I program into MuseScore seem to get lost along the way. All instruments play at the same mid-range level no matter what velocities (either by programming note to note, or by using dynamic commands) are assigned to each note. I've attempted to solve this by installing many outside programs (Rosegarden, MusE, etc) which would allow mixing, however, my system is struggling with Jack and qJackCtl (Ubuntu 14.04 OS). I can't get any sound out of those programs, despite following numerous guides.

Thus, my question is, is there a way to save the dynamics into the MIDI files from MuseScore directly? The sound quality is much better when using Timidity to convert to .wav than I'm getting out of MuseScore, but the lack of dynamics can really kill a piece.



Dynamics are in the MIDI files exported by MuseScore 1.3. Or more precisely, the notes are exported with different velocities according to the current dynamic. Which version of MuseScore are you using? Are you sure that Timidity is not ignoring the velocity of the notes?

I'm curious why you would get a different output from Timidity and MuseScore if you use the same Soundfont. Did you try to change the soundfont in MuseScore? See Soundfont

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Hi Lasconic,

I don't have any proof that it's in MuseScore and not Timidity other than googling around lead me to similar complaints for old versions of MuseScore (thus I assumed the problem was still there).

I am using the same soundfont (SGM2.01), however the sound quality of the MuseScore export just isn't as high. I'm using this command to render the WAV from the MIDI:

timidity --output-24bit -A120 -Ow -o - *filename.mid

The --output-24bit makes an amazing difference in the sound. The playback in MS has the dynamics, but once it's converted I no longer hear it. I'm using MS 1.3. If it is supposed to be there, than perhaps I am doing something silly. I will double check.


On top: with the nighly builds you get a much better default soundfont and can produce MP3s direclty (provided you also install the Lame Encoder)

Why are you using Ubuntu 14.04?

It is an absolute pain to set up for media production, requiring permissions to be set individually for music apps like Rosegarden.

You would be far better to run Ubuntu Studio 14.04 which is specially set up for those of us working in media production to work right out of the box without having to work out which permissions need setting.

I tried out Ubuntu Studio 14.04 the other day and JACK and QJackCtl appeared to be working fine.

You should be able to set your system up so that MuseScore is driving a sampler such as QSynth directly.

The other thing that may help you is to read Peter Shaffter's tutorials on rendering WAVs directly from MuseScore using LinuxSampler:-



In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Hi Michael,

My work has given me a choice between Ubuntu LTS's or Fedora. Since Ubuntu is better documented and has a better community for feedback, I'm using it.

I don't know much about Ubuntu Studio, so maybe I will look into it's viability (can one run Ubuntu regular and ubuntu studio side-by-side?).

I will give that tutorial a look tonight. It seems that perhaps by best option is just to forget the Timidity step and learn to render nice sounds using MS's natural WAV output.


Just an update for any future folks reading this.

It is working. There seems to have been a bug in my MuseScore install. Upon reinstalling MuseScore this week out of frustration, it is now working. I'm not sure what caused it, nor do I care to attempt to reinstall until it happens again.

As mentioned by others, the dynamics are exported into MIDI and, if you're using Timidity++, are converted to WAV by it.

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