Not used to nightly builds

• May 21, 2014 - 09:01

Recently I've been playing around with the nightly builds, and I realize I am not used to it. Firstly, I realized the note properties option has probably changed to debugger, but I cannot find all the properties I would want to set, for example velocity. Secondly, is the Palette the only way to insert dynamics now? I cannot find it under the Add tab and the L shortcut certainly does not work. Also how do you change the MIDI properties of a dynamic now?
I understand nightly builds have been around for a long time and these questions might answered before or are very obvious, but since I just used it I am really unfamiliar with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Note properties, dynamic properties have been moved the inspector. View -> Inspector to display it.

Palette is indeed the only way to add dynamics. Is that a problem for you?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Why? Non-standard is non-standard. As far as I can see, i would make just as much to remove the support code. Unless I'm missing something - is there some special reason (like SMuFL dictates a particular set of dynamics that must be supported) that we need to directly support "pppppp" but not "ppppppppppppppp" (much less "ppppfffffttt" :-)?

Sorry for bringing up this post again, but I have something else confused about. I understand there is this new Time Signature Properties now, which I suppose affects the auto-beaming?
Recently I was typing up my music, I did not open that dialog at any time, but suddenly the beaming of the previous section in that music I typed changed its default beaming to something weird, like all 8 quavers beamed or 6+2, which originally were all 4+4 or 2+2+2+2. I know that I can fix this manually for every single beam, but how do I fix the auto-beam? And I still do not understand how to use the new Time Signature dialog. Thanks.

In reply to by YongSee

Attaching the file would allow us to see what happened in this specific score - why your eighths are not beamed as you expect.

As for how to use the new time signature properties dialog, there are known issues with it - which is to say, it doesn't quite work as it should yet. So it isn't supririsng it isn't doing what you want. See #25368: Note Groups define in time signature dialog has no effect in note entry and #25367: copy time signature from one staff to another doesn't copy time signature properties, for example. Eventually, it should work to click the various notes in the display at the bottom to set beaming how you like, and right now this works sometimes, but not reliably.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think I know what happened. When I type some rhythms in that are more like 6+2, it changes automatically. But if I close the file and reopen it, it is back to 4+4 again. So I do not think it is easy to reproduce this, as if you open the attachment it will be in 4+4.

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