App for Windows and Android Devices

• Jun 17, 2014 - 19:13

I know that you have an app for IOS devices but it would be really handy if you made it for other phones as well. I use your program all the time but unfortunately I don't have a Iphone so I cannot use the app.


In reply to by Thomas

Hello, I would highly appreciate app for Windows phone. I have left my e-mail address as advised. I count it's a kind of survey how many users are interested :-). Is it possible to share what is current condition? Are you developing the application already, or you are still waiting for more votes?
If the development is in progress - When we can expect the app will be available?
Thank you for any information.
BTW: I am sure you know it from others, nevertheless let me express personally- MuseScore is AMAZING application. I love to work with it. Thank you.

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