Unwanted rests that won't be deleted

• Mar 3, 2018 - 15:10

For some reason MuseScore added a whole rest to each measure, and I can't delete them using the normal delete process. Maybe I can't delete them because they appear as Voice 1; is there a way to change them to some other voice so they can be deleted? See attached snip of the score. extra rests.JPG


It's generally best to attach the actual score rather than just a picture; then we can give advice better suited to the situation. But yes, the rests are probably in voice 1. Your music must be in two other voices besides the voices 1 & 2 they should normally be in. So figure out which voice your top part is in and move it to vocie 1, then figure out which voice your bottom part is in and move it to voice 2 if necessary. Both tasks using Edit / Voices / Exchange as noted above. Then you can delete the extra rests by selecting the passage, excluding voices 1 & 2 from the selection using View / Selection Filter, and pressing Delete. Then re-enable voices 1 & 2 for selection.

In reply to by kuwitt

Thank you very much, but I don't understand why they were there in the first place. It has happened before, so I'm doing something without realizing it. Any suggestion of what I'm doing that results in this?

In reply to by craig.minor

Not sure. It doesn't happen automatically. My best guess is, that you thought in your "dark path", that you wanted to define for each vocal line a single voice (=color) and moved it therefore. But as mentioned in other comments, voice one is in each new staff by default. The onliest alternative is to deselect it visible inside the inspector for this case, but it isn't really necessary.

What you need to do is exchange voices 1 and 3 so the stems stay pointed the same direction, then use the selection filter (F6) remove the checks from voices 1 & 2 so they are not selected and then delete and recheck voices 1 & 2.

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