Corrupted Score won't allow me to open it to edit

• Mar 9, 2018 - 22:12

I downloaded a score off of here so I could get the individual parts to print of for my band. (This score to be exact) and these corruption notes came up:

Measure 40 Staff 11 incomplete. Expected: 3/4; Found: 8/8\nMeasure 46 Staff 11 incomplete.
Expected: 3/4; Found: 1/2\nMeasure 98 Staff 14 incomplete. Expected: 3/4; Found: 8/8\
nMeasure 158 Staff 9 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 5/8\nMeasure 158 Staff 15 incomplete.
Expected: 6/8; Found: 5/8\nMeasure 160 Staff 5 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 10/16\nMeasure
160 Staff 8 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 10/16\nMeasure 160 Staff 9 incomplete.
Expected: 6/8; Found: 10/16

But it will not actually allow me to edit it to fix the issues. Can anyone help? I need the individual parts to be able to be printed out ASAP!


Attachment Size
50038-Elder_Scrolls_Medley.mscz 43.25 KB


You can edit the score. Make note of where the errors are so you can find the measures with errors then press the Ignore button to finish loading the score. Go to those measures, press delete, then reenter them. You can swap voices 1 and 2, then delete the measure rest created in voice 2 for some of the offending measures, but not all of them. You will need to look at the score online to see what is supposed to be in some of the measures.

In reply to by mike320

Where can you find an ignore button? It won't let me even upload the score to begin with... all it says is your score is unable to be uploaded at this time, so I don't have a chance to change it. I think I could fix it pretty easily if I could get to the edit option, but I'm lost on that...

In reply to by Niki_Trumpet

You said you downloaded the score from When you open it in MuseScore you get a window reporting the errors. If you click Show Details... it tells you where the errors are. If you click Ignore the score will open. You cannot upload it onto until there are no errors in it.

BTW, the reason there are errors has to do with it being created in version 1.1. I'm not sure exactly how they happen, but I know they do sometimes.

In reply to by Niki_Trumpet

Here is the repaired score. It looks like you have version 2.0 on your computer. You should upgrade to at least 2.0.3 ( on Mac only) or upgrade to 2.2 when it comes out in the next few weeks. You can upgrade to 2.1 now but some people report problems that would not affect this score.


BTW, you will need to double check measures 158 & 160 to make sure they are correct.

In reply to by Niki_Trumpet

The ignore button is in MuseScore itself when you open the score, not on Sounds like you must have currently have the score open in MuseScore and are trying to upload it. If so, then you don't need an Ignore button - the score is already loaded into MuseScore, and you can edit it there. Or, you could close the score, then re-open it, and you'll get the Ignore button.

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