Can someone please help me fix this file? it said cannot read file unknown type

• May 3, 2018 - 14:16

please help me i am actually about to fail

Attachment Size
.Title_.mscz, 8.16 KB


You have a backup file. Normal files do not have the . at the start and , at the end. MuseScore cannot open that file. look for a file without the . and ,

So to be clear:

  • your original score (the version without the extra period and comma) appears to be corrupted for some unknown reason
  • there is a decent chance that your backup (the one with the extra period and comma) is fine, you just need to rename it remove the comma, but it might be old and missing your most recent work
  • if that doesn't give you want you need, do check out for other options (n particular, the auto-save files, although those may be gone if there was no crash)
  • when all else fails, hopefully you were working in a OneDrive folder, or Dropbox, or google Drive, or Time Machine, or some other service that does automatic backup and versioning, and you go use that service to recover an older non-corrupted version

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