Odd redundant rests

• May 26, 2018 - 20:22

They always put on the second staff, upon create new measure. There no way to remove them or i couldn't find it, i turn them invisible for they not interfere. Also when copy and paste notes, that rests do not put but score appears corrupt like this Measure 5 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 17/4; Found: 0/1

upload my score here

By the way is there a possibility to disable automatic rests completely? I use scores where they is not used mostly and that automatic propagation interferes great.

Attachment Size
ss.mscx 56.33 KB


As mentioned, you made the mistake of using voices 3 & 4 on the bottom staff, which you should only do if you've already sued up voices 1 & 2 and still need more notes (which almost never happens). Stick to voices 1 & 2 and you won't have that problem.

The corruption reported would be the result of some sort of bug, but useful would be if you could remember what led to that. I can see right off you've delete the time signature, which is supported but only for 4/4. Instead of deleting it, you should use Staff Properties to force it to not display. So it isn't totally clear how you triggered the bug - probably some combination of joining measures or otherwise creating measures of non-standard length and then deleting the time signature? If you can remember the exact sequence, we can see about fixing that bug.

Meanwhile, best to add a time signature back, then use Staff Properties to suppress it, then redo your customizations to measure lengths.

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