Musescore Seems to Add a "Guessed" Time Signature to MIDI

• May 31, 2018 - 06:35

Whenever I open a MIDI file with no key signature events in Musescore 2, it places a key signature (and clef for that matter) on the score. How can I make it so that if there was no key signature defined in the MIDI, Musescore will not add one? Same situation for clefs (it was giving me octave-low treble clefs, I just want bass+treble).


Standard music notation needs a clef and key signature in order for the notes to be understandable, and it needs a time signature to know how many notes to put into a measure. If you disagree with the specific choice of clef, key ,. or time signature that MuseScore made, simply change it yourself using the appropriate palette.

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