Stacking with code
I'm trying to get a G13b9#11 to stack the b9 over the #11. I did it this way
Where am I wrong?
I'm trying to get a G13b9#11 to stack the b9 over the #11. I did it this way
Where am I wrong?
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Depends on what font you are using and other context, but it looks you you are on the right track. What specifically goes wrong?
In reply to Depends on what font you are… by Marc Sabatella
It comes out the normal Musescore way.
The code works for every other chord I've used it for. I'm using the MuseJazz font.
In reply to It comes out the normal… by Splops
Looks like your code isnt being hit at all. Is there perhaps another entry for that chord elsewhere in the file? Or perhaps that particular score had already entered a chord by that name, and generated its own rendering that is now locked in? if the latter, you may be able to hand-edit the mscx file for the score in question to remove that rendering.
In reply to Looks like your code isnt… by Marc Sabatella
btw, I tried your code and it worked fine for me when inserted into the stock chords_jazz,xml except there is no "e13" definition, so it displayed the "e" LITERALLY. Probably you want e1 e3, unless you defined e13 yourself.
In reply to btw, I tried your code and… by Marc Sabatella
It's working now. The e1 e3 did the trick. Thanks, Marc.
In reply to btw, I tried your code and… by Marc Sabatella
Is there a doc somewhere that explains the values and their function for creating custom chord xml files? I've tried fiddling with this code, my issue is that my #5 under the b9 is very offset to the right instead of lining up directly under it like the Db chord in the picture. I also don't want my #5 that far down. While I've been tinkering with the values for the m:0:7 and such, I can't seem to figure out the finetune adjustment. Either there is little to no change or huge change. I also don't understand the terms pop and push in the context of the formatting.
In reply to Is there a doc somewhere… by newkstime
The file is intended to be self-documenting. The "m" command moves elements in some sort of unspecified unit of measurement. Small values have small change, large values have large change. Should be a completely linear relationship - a value of "4" for "x" will move twice as far as "2", etc. "push" and "pop" are terms used in programming and refer to a "stack" of remembered values. "Push" means "remember this location", so you can then output some characters, move the cursor around, output more characters, and then say "pop" to return the cursor right where it was when you said "push".
See #312766: Request for stacked chord extentions