MuseScore3 Beta - can't copy from pdf list of shortcuts

• Dec 19, 2018 - 14:05

In MuseScore3 Beta(3): when you print the shortcutlist to pdf, you can't copy.
The pdf tool is not functional. This in contrast to MuseScore2


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

In Acrobat reader with a right-click you can select your tool.
You've got "the hand" to move pages.
With a rightclick a black arrow cursor appears. When you put this cursor on text the arrow changes in a text cursor. Now you can select (in this case shortcut) text to copy to some document. Nice because in your document you can easily search all shortcuts, rearrange them, look for free combinations etc.
This text tool is not functional in the pdf of MuseScore 3.
This in contrast to MuseScore 2, where it is very handy indeed!

In reply to by [DELETED] 135427

I can make selections in exported pdf's.
see attachments:

Is there this line in your
"C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\bin\qt.conf"
WindowsArguments = fontengine=freetype

Edit: Sorry,
I hadn't read the message you wrote earlier.
You print the PDF with "Microsoft Print to PDF", But I export directly from Musescore.

Attachment Size
selection-in-pdf.jpg 118.26 KB
_test-colorNotes.pdf 23.34 KB
_test-colorNotes.mscz 27.18 KB

In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

Yes, this line is present. But you noticed that my question was about the pdf of the shortcuts exported from MuseScore > Preferences > Shortcuts > Apply.
Can you confirm that copying from the Acrobat Reader doesn't function?
In my opinion that's a regression compared with Musescore 2. With an updated Qt as the presumable culprit.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

In MuseScore you can search the shortcuts though you need sometimes to hover over an item to see in the tooltip which words you need for the search. You can search in and copy from the shortcuts.pdf of MuseScore 2.3.2. Copied to an odt document you can search with much more ease and group shortcuts qua function in categories..
But it works the other way around too. Is there something like a [Ctrl + Alt + letter] 'family' or [Shift+letter] or [Alt+Shift+letter] family imaginable (not to mention the numbers.) Then there are aspects of accessibility. (When you have to toggle Full Screen often, Ctrl + U is no joy on Qwerty.)
I'm working on a paper full of workarounds for missing and additions to existing features, The macro's use AutoHotkey (Windows only) and shortcut management' becomes very important.
While everyone can customise whatever (s)he wants a guiding idea can support the memory.
I started this project in November. That explains my first post on this topic in December.

In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

Ok found it!

Close Musescore.
delete this line on qt.conf
WindowsArguments = fontengine=freetype
and save it.

Install cutePDF printer driver from
open musescore
and print your shortcuts with "cutePDF Writer"

result is attached... (see: Musescore Shortcuts.pdf)

original qt.conf:

WindowsArguments = fontengine=freetype

changed qt.conf

Attachment Size
MuseScore Shortcuts.pdf 47.04 KB

In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

Thank you!
Removing the line and installing Cute driver and converter did the trick. I can now copy shortcuts from the pdf. There is a difference though between your version and mine. In your pdf Cute version one can also search the pdf. On my system the searching doesn't work. Of course this is not really important. One can always search in the open office document. The difference in size remains remarkable: Cute 46KB, MSc3pdf 2 MB.

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