Unable to access version 2 handbook translations.

• Feb 19, 2019 - 19:19

When helping people that are using version 2 it is sometimes easiest to point them to instructions in the handbook. Since the titles in the browser bar are also translated, it's difficult at best to find these since the dropdown list of translations is no longer in the handbook. I realize you can get to the version 2 handbook through the version 3 book, but I don't speak any language but English and some of the words are translated with very strange words so even looking for them in translation is difficult. Not to mention I don't remember every page that was translated to which languages.

In short, it would be nice to get the dropdown for version 2 handbook languages restored.


Only ideas waiting for a response from the Team...
Press the button at the bottom right to select the languages;
In the 2X installation folder should be the translation files

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