One instrument ignoring all dynamic markings
Hey y'all,
I am done with an arrangement, but I am now trying to set some dynamics so it plays back properly so I can export the song a an mp3 to send to some friends. The score is for piano and another instrument (which I currently have set for kazoo) and the end is supposed to decrescendo into nothing. I set a dec. line for both parts and also put dynamics markings on each note. The piano decs fine, but the other part does not dec at all. I have tried switching to other instruments, I have tried manually inputting a velocity for each note, I have tried a lot of combinations of lines and markings but nothing works.
What else can I try?
Attachment | Size |
Mr._Write_and_Christine.mscz | 29.39 KB |
You cannot currently change the volume on a single note. As many notes as you can tie together are considered a single note. The reason the left hand of the piano decrescendos is because it will always do that, like a guitar. Instruments that can be sustained, will be sustained as long as you tie them together, even if this is unrealistic for a musician.
In reply to You cannot currently change… by mike320
Well that's stupid, musescore should have it not be that way. Thanks anyways!
In reply to Well that's stupid,… by Parker Klinck
MuseScore 3.1 will have single note dynamics
Edit => Preferences => Export: see Audio: un-tick " [ ] Normalize" => Click [ OK ] button.