Creating a 2 sided, 2 column booklet score

• Jul 20, 2019 - 20:13

I'm not a new Musescore user, but I really haven't explored what all Musescore can do, so I thought the community would be a good place to ask my formatting question. I'm working on a music booklet project, but I can't quite get it to turn out how I would like it, and I'm not sure if this is a user ignorance problem or something the program simply doesn't support. I've attached an image of a music booklet that is similar to what I am trying to do. I want a double-sided landscape page score that has two separate score columns so I can fold the page in half lengthwise and staple multiple pages together in the middle. This way, I can put one choral, hymn type song per half page, have another song on the other half of the page, and when I turn the page, there will be two more songs in the same orientation. I've looked this forum, and a similar post suggested that something like this wasn't supported by Musescore, so I was really hoping that that was incorrect and some wizard out there could help me. Thank you.

Attachment Size
Booklet Style Score.jpg 1.01 MB


In reply to by Shoichi

Thank you so much. I'm still having a little issue with margins in the PDF print settings (extra boarder around the combined pages that I can't get rid of and am open to suggestions on how to decrease or remove it), but I've been tinkering with your method, and I think it will work nicely. Thank you again.

You wrote:
I want a double-sided landscape page score that has two separate score columns so I can fold the page in half lengthwise and staple multiple pages together in the middle.

That's the bookbinder's art. Here's a two sheeter that makes 8 pages:

You can try this on your own, but there are printing applications that arrange this automatically. It avoids the mental gymnastics of visualizing the page order for each sheet fed into the printer.

You wrote:
I'm still having a little issue with...extra boarder around the combined pages
If you mean the main border around the sheet of paper containing the two pages:
Try decreasing the overall margins in your printer software.
Try decreasing the page margin in MuseScore (on the score itself) so it doesn't get added to any pdf margin.


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