Entry point not found HELP
so i tried installing Musescore 3 on my teachers pc because he had Musecore 2 and my work was musescore 3 file, so i first uninstalled musescore 2 and than tried installing musescore 3, than i had an error with some dll file but i found an solution and fixed it, not i have this ENTRY POINT NOT FOUND Error and i need immediat help because now hes stuck without musescore PLEASE HELP
There is no need to uninstall MuseScore 2, on the contrary it is recommended to keep it.
What exact error did you get reg. a missing DLL, how did you fix it, what exact error are you getting now?
And what does a Google search on those say?
What Operating System are you using?
If you're using Windoww XP or Vista: indeed such a missing entry point error ill happen, MuseScore 3 is not running on those, Microsoft stopped support for either long ago, so MuseScore did too (basiically because the newer Qt version MuseScore now needs doesn't support those old Windows versions anymore).
The download page clearly states: Windows 7 or later.
In reply to There is no need to u… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hi! hes using windows 7 and i got rid of the dll error by downloading that dll and pasting it into system32, i cant tell you the exect error im getting now because its at my teachers pc, all i remember is entry point not found
In reply to Hi! hes using windows 7 and… by noamiko
What DLL, downloaded from where?
Why manually copying a single DLL from some unknown (?) source into a system (!) directory rather than installing the package it belong to?
See #281750: File api-ms-win-crt-heap-I1-1-0.dll missing, was it that, or a similar one? If so you need to install the full package mentioned there.
In reply to What DLL? by Jojo-Schmitz
yeah it was it, can you explain what i need to do
In reply to yeah it was it, can you… by noamiko
As linked to there, see: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2999226/update-for-universal-c…