Load Palette not available - v3.2.3

• Sep 17, 2019 - 20:10

1) View Palettes
2) right-click @ Fretboard Diagrams (or anywhere)

only the Save Palette function is available, all others are greyed out. Including Edit Palette, Insert New Palette.
Also, no files show up when using the Musescore Preferences and viewing the Folders section by selecting the little folder icon.

I cannot attempt to import v2.x palettes I have created into 3.2


Load paletts is only enabled if you've created a custom workspace (see "+" button at bottom of palettes) - this is same as in 2.x. I wouldn't expect great success importing 2.x palettes, though - much has changed. Might be better to create a score, add one of each fretboard diagram to that, then just recreate the palette from that.

3.3 will no longer require an explicit "create custom workspace" step, BTW.

EDIT: we're too fast for you :-)

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