First Lyric out of place in each line
One word from succeeding measure is collided on top of first word first measure, and then all other lyrics get "moved up". I want to move the collided word to start of second measure and have it move all others forward
Attached score and Jpeg with illustration of what I'm trying to accomplish
Attachment | Size |
collision.png | 52.31 KB |
.Precious_Name.mscz, | 19.42 KB |
Just delete those voice 2 lyrics
BTW: you attached a backup score, not the latest version
In reply to Just delete those voice 2… by Jojo-Schmitz
on the first verse "give" that you deleted, actually belongs at the start of measure 6. something with how the song was imported. all those collided words belong 6th measure and everything needs to be "pushed" one beat down the line - make sense? I can't find a way to move everything forward one "space"
In reply to on the first verse "give"… by [DELETED] 33258985
It would help to attach the score you started form - the one you imported. Them it might be easier to see what happened. But, to move lyrics, or really anything in MuseScore, use cut and paste. So, Ctrl_click or otherwise select the lyrics you want to move, cut, click the new start note, paste.
In reply to It would help to attach the… by Marc Sabatella
Okay, here is the imported file.
I can cut, but when I try to paste over the lyric I want to shift forward to its rightful place, it doesn't stay. I'll also include the JPEG I drew to illustrate exact issue.
In reply to Okay, here is the imported… by [DELETED] 33258985
You need to select all of the lyrics you want moved and cut them all. After the cut, you need to click the note where you want the lyrics to start before pasting, and if you've done this correctly, there won't be any lyrics there any more, because you will have cut them already.
So for example, with your file, I Ctrl+click the last five syllables ("earth and joy of Heav'n", then press Ctrl+X, then click the first note of the second to last measure and press Ctrl+V. Result is as expected, the lyrics were moved forward a note (so "Heav'n" ends up on the last note, not the second-to-last).
Meanwhile, I can confirm the XML you attached does not import nicely. but it gives the same result in Finale Notepad, and produces error messages in both MuseScore and Finale, so I assume the problem is in the file itself (the program that exported it did so incorrectly).
In reply to After the cut, you need to… by Marc Sabatella
Yes. that worked. The only other notation program I know is Forte, and it had a window pane where one could edit lyric verse by verse, but this is okay too. Thank you!