Banque de son Musescore
Bonjour, j'utilise muse score sur mon mac depuis quelques années et tout allait très bien jusqu'à la semaine dernière. Je n'avais rien changé mais lorsque j'ai lancé l'application, plus aucun son ne sort de musescore. J'ai essayé de faire la mise à jour mais ça n'a rien changé. Désinstaller et réinstaller, essayer de supprimer les banques de son pour en mettre d'autres, etc. Rien n'y fait, je ne peux même pas ouvrir la fenêtre du mélangeur ou du synthétiseur.
Au secours, je ne sais plus quoi faire ! J'ai besoin des sons pour exporter des fichiers audio pour que chaque pupitre de mon choeur puisse travailler sa partie.
Bonne journée.
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Capture d’écran 2019-12-10 à 11.46.46.png | 662.93 KB |
In English:
Hello, I've been using muse score on my mac for a few years and everything was fine until last week. I hadn't changed anything but when I started the application, no sound came out of musescore. I tried to update it but it didn't change anything. Uninstall and reinstall, try to remove the sound banks to put others, etc. Nothing works, I can't even open the mixer or synthesizer window.
Help, I don't know what to do anymore! I need the sounds to export audio files so that each console in my choir can work on its part.
Have a good day.
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In reply to In English: Hello, I've been… by [DELETED] 1307581
Thanks, I thought of it after you did it !
Try "Revert to factorsettings", see
See also
In reply to Try "Revert to… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you for the fast answer but I tried and it doesn't work... I can't even access the synthesizer or the mixer window, it's really weird.
Hello, I use musescore on my mac since few years and everything worked well until last week. I haven't change anything but no more sound comes out of the app. I tried to update to ms3 but nothing has changed. Uninstall, reinstall, try to remove the soundfount from my documents to put some others, etc. Nothing work ! I can't even open the mixer or synthesizer window (it's grey)...
Please help, I don't know what to do anymore ! I need those sounds to export audio files so each voice sections of my choir can work on their sections.
Have a good day
In reply to Hello, I use musescore on my… by hsacugo
Aviez-vous vu ce problème (et sa résolution) ?
In reply to Aviez-vous vu ce problème … by cadiz1
Oui, merci mais mon problème est un peu différent je ne peux même pas ouvrir le mélangeur ! (photo joint)
Hey everyone, i don't know how but after reopening musescore (for the thousandth time) my sound came back...
Maybe one of the things you advised me worked in the end.
Thanks everyone, I'm back at it !