Text - Pages

• Jan 16, 2020 - 12:18

I wanted to ask if a mode with pages just with text and easy adjustments (as fonts and colours) will be possible in the near future?!!

this is e.g. necessary when I want a short introduction for my scores - or when I want to write explanations for students!

Kind Regards


You mean text and explanations as in https://musescore.com/bsg/continuo for example?
This can be done, but is a bit tedious as not automatic word wrap is implemented within MuseScore, nor text justification.

But changing fonts and colors for characters within a text/frame is most certainly possible, and has been for quite some number of years.

Realistically, if you are doing more than short bits of text, you'll want word wrap and other text processing features beyond what MuseScore can currently do. It can sometimes work to design the text in an another program then copy and paste it over, but if it's more about the formatting, you might consider exporting from that word processor as an image then adding that to the frame in MuseScore. Or, exporting both the title page and score separately (from their respective programs) as PDF's, then assembling them in a utility like pdfsam.

Someday I suspect we'll have word wrap and maybe a few other useful text-related features, but there will probably always remain times when these other methods will make more sense.

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