Use the plugin 2 times on the same partition: overlay

• Mar 4, 2020 - 09:53
Reported version
Ergonomical (UX)
S3 - Major
by design

Lorsqu'on écrit un morceau, puis utilise le plugin, puis qu'on corrige quelques notes, puis qu'on réutilise le plugin :
les nouveaux chiffres se superposent aux anciens.

Suggestion de correction :
lorsque le plugin détecte la présence de chiffres d'une utilisation précédente, il pourrait tous les effacer pour les remplacer, après popup de confirmation (au cas où l'utilisateur a modifié manuellement les chiffres).


Title Utiliser le plugin 2x sur la même partition : superposition Use the 2x plugin on the same partition: overlay

When you write a song, then use the plugin, then correct some notes, then use the plugin again:
the new numbers are superimposed on the old ones.

Correction suggestion:
when the plugin detects the presence of figures from a previous use, it could delete them all to replace them, after confirmation popup (in case the user has manually changed the figures).

Title Use the 2x plugin on the same partition: overlay Utiliser le plugin 2x sur la même partition : superposition

That English title made no sense. No one is talking about a 2.x version of the plugin, nor is anyone requesting one. This issue is about what happens when the plugin is run on the same score twice. Clearly this plugin was never meant to be used in an iterative process, but it makes sense for users to want to use it this way.

Workaround No Yes

when the plugin is passed once, it is often necessary to make corrections on some Notes. For that I clean the notes in question, I select them, then I pass the plugin again.