Changing the key

• May 11, 2020 - 17:23

I found a midi file on the internet where instead of the f key for the bass part the g key is used. I want to change this treble key to an f key to match the f key in the paper score I use (I sing). When I do that the f key with notes looks good, but when playing the music it is one octave too low. How can I change this?

Attachment Size
1a_Hymnus.mscz 76.85 KB


The instrument for this score is set to bass clarinet, and it sounds an octave (and a whole step) lower than written. So that's correct. That's probably also why it was written in treble clef - that's normal for bass clarinet.

So it's not totally clear what your goal is here. If you do in fact mean to write for bass clarinet, you should change it back to treble clef. If you want to take music that was originally written for bass clarinet but rewrite it it for another instrument that uses bass clef and does not transposes, then don't just change the clef - use the Change Instrument button in Staff/Part Properties (right-click the staff to get to that dialog). This will fix the clef and transposition for you, as well as the staff name, range information, etc.

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