How to change key mid-measure before a system break?

• May 21, 2020 - 04:19

I'm having trouble finding a concise and coherent way of asking this, so I'm attaching a photo of exactly what I'm trying to replicate. Is there a way to indicate the key change to F both before and after the system break, while also getting it on the correct side of the double bar line and the start of the repeat? Because both bar lines and the key change(s) technically belong to beat 4, I'm not sure how I would achieve this.

Apologies if this has been answered before! I tried following the how-to on key changes between double bars and start repeats, but haven't figured it out with the system break.

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You need to first split the measure before that final beat (Tools / Measure), then add the line break to the new barline, then add the key change to the partial measure on the second system. The courtesy key change will automatically appear at the end of the first; this is true for all key changes at the start of a system whether there is a split measure or not.

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