Expression lines/ties job
I use MuseScore 3.6.2 and 4.4.4, both portable AppImage, inside computers with Ubuntu-Studio 24.04.2 LTS (64 bit Linux).
I wonder if I missed something in the road but... I cannot hear any kind of audible action when we use expression lines/ties (see the attached image).
It is supposed there should be an almost "legato" kind of playing technics. But... I cannot hear nothing different to any other part of the score.
Do I have done something wrong? Did I miss something about this item? ???
Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!
Attachment | Size |
Ligadura de expresión.png | 14.82 KB |
You should read the effect of ties, as they contract the connected notes (2 adjacent notes of the same pitch) to a single duration.
The playback effect of slurs though is either very subtle (for very few instruments, one is Piano) or non-existent.
You image shows a slur.
In reply to You should read the effect… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hi, Jojo!!!
Sorry, it's my fault. It is just a translation issue. In Spanish, we say: "ligado de expresión", so I translated it as "expression line". I forgot to use the word "slur". Sorry.
BTW, maybe I'm so slow to understand this but... I cannot to hear some audible difference between notes with/without slurs, with any instruments.
Maybe the soundfont file I use? ???
In reply to Hi, Jojo!!! Sorry, it's my… by jotape1960
Jojo wrote:
The playback effect of slurs though is either very subtle (for very few instruments, one is Piano) or non-existent.
So you would not hear it, especially when there is a reverb activated. I would say it is non-existent ...
In reply to Hi, Jojo!!! Sorry, it's my… by jotape1960
There should be a subtle effect for piano and flute, which change note durations from 95% to 100% on slurs.
Might be heard on MS Basic only, not sure, and is indeed very subtle
In reply to There should be a subtle… by Jojo-Schmitz
Really? I've never observed any playback effect from a slurred note, regardless of the instrument.
In reply to Really? I've never observed… by TheHutch
At least in Musescore 3 and with the flute there is a playback effect. It may also depend on the sound font used.