
• Jun 29, 2020 - 21:55

We NEED to be able to copy lines by now. C'mon MuseScore.


In reply to by Jjboss123

As mentioned, pedals copy along with the range. They can also be copied individually via Ctrl+Shift+drag. If you continue to have difficulty, please attach your score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem.

Tempos don’t copy with the range because much of the time that would not be appropriate. But you can copy them individually if you wish, with normal copy paste. Again, if you continue to have difficulty, please attach to your score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem.

If you mean Lines from the palette, you can, they copy as part of the range they are attached to. You can also use Ctrl+Shift+drag to copy them individually.

If you mean something else, please attach a sample score and explain more detail what you having trouble with. Also, in the future, please try to use more descriptive subject lines, like "How do I copy lines?". It helps a lot when people want to search for information on a topic later.

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