Score saved as zip-File?
I never changed anything regarding the export-settings. However, my last two scores were only saved as .zip files... Which means, I had to unpack them for Musescore to even be able to re-open them.
Is this normal? How can it be prevented?
I'd like to save stuff as a regular Musescore-file!
Regular MuseScore files are zip archives, in disguise.
In reply to Regular MuseScore files are… by Jojo-Schmitz
So why can't I open the project I saved a minute ago until i manually unpack it? Why doesn't Musescore unpack or even recognize it?
In reply to So why can't I open the… by Mraco_o
Rename the .zip to .mscz
No idea why your MuseScore all of a sudden saves as .zip
What Operating system?
In reply to Rename the .zip to .mscz by Jojo-Schmitz
Linux (Mint), which is based on Ubuntu.
I'm using the Flatpack-versin of Musescore,
This is what Musescore tells me when I click on "About":
OS: KDE Flatpak runtime,
Arch.: x86_64,
MuseScore version (64-bit): 3.5.0,
revision: 43c5553
Any Ideas what to do? I don't want to be forced to manually change everything I save :(
(Btw, this only happens on the first save, afterwards, if I unpacked the files, they keep getting saved as an unpacked score. If I rename the .zip to .mscz, .mscz will subsequently be used.)
In reply to Linux (Mint), which is based… by Mraco_o
Try the AppImage instead (which is the official supported version).
If the AppImage works OK, then report this bug to the Flatpak maintainers.
In reply to Try the AppImage instead … by jeetee
Thanks for your recommendation, I (actually mike) found a solution to the problem. See my last comment on this thread.
In reply to Linux (Mint), which is based… by Mraco_o
Also, I just noticed, it doesn't get saved as a .zip file. It gets saved without any file-type.
In reply to Also, I just noticed, it… by Mraco_o
This sounds like #305563: File of type drop down doesn't change/affect extension in filename in Linux. One of the first suggestions that worked for some people was to set Use native dialogs in Advanced Preferences.
In reply to This sounds like #305563:… by mike320
Interesting, thanks for posting the link. However, this
is what that option looks like without me touching it. Seems like this was enabled by default.
In reply to Interesting, thanks for… by Mraco_o
I misread the comment. It said change the value not turn it on.
In reply to I misread the comment. It… by mike320
EWWW, I hate that new saving-dialogue, but it woks! My new test-score was saved in the Musescore-format! :)
Thank you!!
In reply to Also, I just noticed, it… by Mraco_o
Did you type the explicit ".MSCZ" as part of the filename? That should work no matter which file dialog you use.
In reply to Did you type the explicit "… by Marc Sabatella
If i type the ".mscz", it works just fine. It's just that I never had thought that
1. Those zip-files (without the .zip-ending) would be musescore-files in disguise.
2. I would need to write a file ending which I didn't even know the name of.
But fortunately, it automatically adds the correct .mscz ending if the settings are changed.
In reply to If i type the ".mscz", it… by Mraco_o
To be clear: the extension is always necessary in order for most OS's to understand the proper file type. If there is no extension, most OS's will need to "guess" the filetype by looking at the first few bytes of the file, and that's why it is being reported as ZIP. But you always need the extension for things to actually work correctly, not just in MuseScore, but for things like file managers etc. It's just that some dialogs happen to add it for you behind the scenes and others don't.
In reply to To be clear: the extension… by Marc Sabatella
Interesting! Is there no way for musescore to "tell" the system, what kind of file it wants to create?
In reply to Interesting! Is there no way… by Mraco_o
The system doesn't know or care about "kind", it cares about the name of the file only. If the filename ends in ".mscz", good things happen. Just as for an audio file, it needs to end in WAV or MP3 or whatever. The filename is how programs - not just MuseScore - manage types.
So as mentioned, you should really always be in the habit of making sure the correct extension is used, for every program. Again, sometimes the program might go behind your back and dd the extension for you, but yu really shouldn't be depending on this, you should always be verifying the extension is present.
In reply to The system doesn't know or… by Marc Sabatella
I see... what I don't understand is: why not design programs to automatically add the file type to the end of the file's name? What's the upside of ignoring this feature?
In reply to I see... what I don't… by Mraco_o
As mentioned, some systems automatically the extension based on the selected type, others require you to add it yourself. The extension is normally there by default, so normally this never comes up. Only if for some reason you delete the extension that was there originally ally does the issue come up.
I’m not sure what the downside of always adding it back if the user deletes it would be, and am it trying to suggest this shouldn’t be changed. I am just trying trying to help people understand how file extensions work, so they can avoid making this same mistake (saving a file with no extension) in the future.
In reply to Interesting! Is there no way… by Mraco_o
On Windows 10, if I remove the extension in the filename box and then save, when I look at the file in Windows Explorer then it has the .mscz extension - so maybe this depends on the OS rather than on MS.
(Lotus Notes is another system which happily creates files with no extension if they are not manually specified, even when there is also an input box for filetype.)
In reply to On Windows 10, if I remove… by yonah_ag
Yeah, this might be a Linux speciality... Telegram does the same thing.
What really throws me off is that input box for filetype. It says the correct thing but no type is added to the file.
In reply to Yeah, this might be a Linux… by Mraco_o
Just like Lotus Notes then. LN is using the file type field just to define the internal format of the file being saved. It's then up to the user to add an extension to the filename input field – if they want one. If the file is part of some automation process then the extension can be irrelevant and leaving it off can deter casual users from opening the file.
In reply to Yeah, this might be a Linux… by Mraco_o
That's not really true. When you first go to save, or use save as, the filename as originally filled in does have the extension. And if you change the filetype using the dropdown, the extension does change as appropriate. But if you go out of your way to delete the extension, the program happily obliges. I guess Linux systems tend to assume their users know what they are doing and don't override their decisions - "you are Linux user, so if you delete the extension, we trust you probably have a good reason and won't go behind your back to add it again" :-). Windows, FWIW, takes the opposite approach: by default, it hides the extension from you completely, causing all sort of Trojan horse possibilities.
Anyhow, again, the extension was there to begin with, and is updated as you change the setting in the dropdown. Preusmably you deleted it inadvertently. I've been guilty of this even though I know better, but it's that much more likely if you don't realize what the extension is for to begin with. Some systems will try to avoid these kinds of errors by not highlighting the entire filename in the input box, only the "basename" portion, so you have to go further out of your way to delete the extension.
In reply to That's not really true. … by Marc Sabatella
> When you first go to save, or use save as, the filename as originally filled in does have the extension.
It's not though. The name-field, when saving a score for the first time, is completely empty. (If the "useNativeDialogues"-checkbox is enabled in the settings)
Only if you disable that checkbox, you get the ugly menu with "[whatEverYourScoreNameHappensToBe].mscz"
In reply to > When you first go to save,… by Mraco_o
Which does indicate that the bug is with the OS and not with MuseScore or Qt
In reply to > When you first go to save,… by Mraco_o
How are you creating the score? For me, whatever name I put in the Title field when creating the score with File / New shows up in the Save dialog. For instance, if I type "Song" as my title, the default filename is Song.mscz. If I leave the title blank, the default filename is Untitled.mscz. Even if I just use the default empty score, I get a default filename of Title.mscz. I can't find any combination of actions that will ever lead to the default filename being blank.
This is on Linux, and it's the same whether I use the native dialogs or not.
In reply to How are you creating the… by Marc Sabatella
Interesting, I use the same process (assuming you press Ctrl+N to create a new score and use Ctrl+S to save for the first time).
- With ...native... DISabled, it indeed is "Title.mscz".
- With ...native... ENabled, it is ""
Though usually I place a few random notes before saving.
I use Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon.
In reply to Interesting, I use the same… by Mraco_o
Well, I guess maybe the "native" dialogs are different between Debian and Mint in this way?
In reply to Well, I guess maybe the … by Marc Sabatella
Possibly... What do you think about my last comment on this thread?
In reply to Interesting, I use the same… by Mraco_o
i use Linux Mint 20 too. MS AppImage 3.5.
With both, native... enabled and native... disabled, i get "Title.mscz" when saving (Save)
In reply to Hello, i use Linux Mint 20… by [DELETED] 1307581
Maybe it's because I use the Flatpack (from the software manager)?
This is my installation:
OS: KDE Flatpak runtime,
Arch.: x86_64,
MuseScore version (64-bit): 3.5.0,
revision: 43c5553
I noticed there's the same issue with my Flatpack-Telegram-Desktop istallation (chat client) when trying to save pictures.
Somehow, not all Flatpack applications seem to have the same problem though. Krita, GIMP and, LibreOffice and LMMS all properly add the file format. 3 of those 4 applications use a non-standard saving dialogue... However: LibreOffice shows, that it's not that dialogue's fault.
Basically, I'm confused.
In reply to Maybe it's because I use the… by Mraco_o
If the AppImage doesn't have the same issue, report it to the Flatpack maintainer
In reply to If the AppImage doesn't have… by Jojo-Schmitz
It indeed seems to be a flatpak-issue.
In reply to Maybe it's because I use the… by Mraco_o
I know nothing about how third-party builds like Flatpak are created or maintained or tested, but to be clear: the only build we create, test, and support ourselves is the AppImage. Others might happen to work, might not, we have no control over them. Unless there is a very strong specific reason to use a build from other sources, you should always be using the AppImage on Linux if you want reliable results.
In reply to I know nothing about how… by Marc Sabatella
I was using the Flatpak because it was in the default repositories.
I heard, a good (safer) practice is to not install packages from different maintainers but to rely on the default software sources.
Do AppImages by any chance self-update?
In reply to I was using the Flatpak… by Mraco_o
They do not currently, although it's a capability being considered for the future. It's about the only drawback. but the benefits in return are enormous - only the AppImage is guaranteed to be up to date, built correctly, and tested. In general with other projects, they might indeed not provide their own packages so the best recourse is to use a version installed from a default repository, but MuseScore actively maintains its own AppImage, s that's always your best bet.
In reply to They do not currently,… by Marc Sabatella
It indeed seems to be a flatpak-issue.
Btw, how do you know that Musescore only releases an AppImage? If I go to the Musescore download-page (, they seem to include TONS of installation methods, flatpak being one of them.
In reply to It indeed seems to be a… by Mraco_o
We know, because we've been here long enough :-)
The AppImage is the only one on the top of that same page.
But yes, perhaps that Title could be changed to "Linux, community provided"?
In reply to We know, because we've been… by jeetee
Ok, I'll believe you :)
> But yes, perhaps that Title could be changed to "Linux, community provided"?
Yes, that sounds like a great idea to avoid confusion. Does one add this to the bug-tracker or is it relayed via other media?
I am also using Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon and am using OS: Linux Mint 20.1, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 1977cb3, AppImage release.
When I save a MuseScore file it gets the .mscz extension by default.
Nevertheless, when I double click a .mscz file, it gets opened with the Archive Manager, just like a .zip file does. Or, if I go into the file properties and change the default application to open .mscz files to MuseScore, then if I double click on a .zip file, it tries to open it with MuseScore.
In other words, the assertion above seems to be incorrect: Linux Mint Cinnamon uses the file type, not the extension, to determine which application to use.
So I am left with either not being able to double click on .mscz files, or not being able to double click on .zip files.
In reply to I am also using Linux Mint… by Richard S. Holmes
Something to report to the Mint folks I guess
In reply to Something to report to the… by Jojo-Schmitz
I found the answer here:…
(Except that I used ~/.local/share/mime instead of /usr/share/mime. It worked.)
On that page it says:
> BTW, this file was created by MuseScore when I installed it to try it. I don't know why it wasn't created for you by MuseScore too, but I guess there is no point in trying to find out now that you solved it!
Would I be correct in thinking an AppImage instead of an installed package would not be able to make this file? Certainly I did not find it in either /usr/share/mime/packages or ~/.local/share/mime/packages.
In reply to I found the answer here:… by Richard S. Holmes
Maybe the install option of the AppImages does this?
In reply to I found the answer here:… by Richard S. Holmes
@Richard, try to install, if not yet done, see:
In reply to @Richard, try to install, if… by Shoichi
Thanks, somehow didn't know about that feature of AppImage! It works.