How do I save my score on a Chromebook?

• Jan 30, 2021 - 04:19

I have installed the Appimage version of Musescore but I am not sure how to save my score. I have tried looking for videos on how to do this b Could someone help with this problem but was not able to find answers.


The ordinary save command works just fine, same as on any other system. So, the toolbar icon, or File / Save, or Ctrl+S.

However, by default, this will go to a folder underneath your "Linux Files" and won't be part of your normal shared Chromebook environment - they will be on this machine only. I have instead customized things on my system so that saves by default go to my Google Drive and can thus be seen if I log on with a different device. I've made some other improvements to the experience as well. I plan to update the documentation on this site soon, but meanwhile, here is my own documentation:…

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