Whole rests showing in piano score

• Feb 23, 2021 - 16:28

I am new to Muse Score. I am Teaching Music Theory and selected this product because of its robust functions and obviously free.

In entering our first piano score...every measure keeps a whole note rest inbetween the treble and bass clef.Why does this happen and how do i get rid of these?

I can be reached at sdefurianni@mountsaintmary.org

Attachment Size
Alma Mater SATB piano(D).mscz 21.06 KB


Those rests are in voice 1 of the lower stave. You have made the common mistake of using voices 3 and 4 in the lower stave. You should always start with voice 1 in every stave. Each stave can accommodate up to four voices, but it is rare to need more than two and very rare to need all four. In MuseScore the term voice is used to mean a rhythmically independent part rather than the thing a singer uses.

Voice 1 must always be present and so rests in voice 1 can not be deleted.

So, select the measures where you have used voices 3 and 4 and from the [Tools]>[Voices] menu exchange voices 1 and 3 and then keeping the selection exchange voices 2 and 4. You will now have the rests in voice 3 and they can be deleted.

See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/voices for more detail on the correct use of voices.

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