Removing (overwriting) default whole note rest in bass clef (piano)
When entering notes in piano mode (bass and treble clefs) it seems that I can only overwrite the default whole rest by using Voice 1 (blue). If I use the other three voice modes (yellow, green, purple) the whole rest remains even after the measure is filled with notes. This is a problem as I would like to keep Voice 1 in the treble clef and use the other voices in the bass clef. How can I overwrite or delete the default whole rest without using the blue Voice 1 ? I am new to MuseScore so any help here is greatly appreciated.
You can't. Voice 1 rests are always there. You could only make them invilible.
And no reason to reserve voice 1 for another staff, every staff can have up to 4 voices
So voice 1 in treble clef and voice 1 in bass clef are completly independant of one another
it does not seem advisable to separate the entries 1/234 on the two staves. .
You can not remove the blue rest (right-click: make invisible).
Use preferably Voice 1, the notes and the rests of the other voices can be deleted.
If it is unclear, attach your score here, if you wish, and your doubts.
In reply to Welcome on board RobertB, by Shoichi
Thanks for the information Shoichi and JoJo-Schmitz. I thought I was limited to just 4 voices over both staffs. I knew there was a simple solution!
I entered a rest in my score, but now I want a note there instead. How do I delete a quarter rest and replace it with a quarter note? Thanks.
In reply to Change a rest to a note by craig.minor
Go to that rest and press the letter that corresponds to your desired note.
This is a different question than is being addressed in this thread. It is generally better to start a new thread unless your comment is specifically about the thread. :)
Best regards,
In reply to Go to that rest and press the by xavierjazz
Thanks, that worked. BTW this was my first posting on the Musescore forum, and I thought I WAS starting a new thread. Next time I'll make sure I know what I'm doing.
So when I enter parts on the bass clef, should I start again with voice 1?
In reply to So when I enter parts on the… by
(even 9 years later)
In reply to Yes! by Jojo-Schmitz
9 years later?... are you now writing from the future?
Is Covid finished?
In reply to 9 years later?... are you… by Jm6stringer
9 years after 2014, when this thread started