Workaround for beams across system breaks?

• Mar 12, 2021 - 17:29

Beaming across barlines works perfectly, but attempting to beam across system breaks has no visible result; it is my understanding that this is currently an unfixed issue, but there are some plans in place to improve it in a future version.

To work around this, I have just been using lines set to the proper width and manually adjusted them to the end of one system and the beginning of the next. However, there is one major problem with this: As my previous post ( notes, there are occasions where lines can revert to their automatic placement upon layout changes, which is a problem for scores that have multiple instances of this (such as the one I am currently working on, a guitar arrangement of Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit, in which there is an ostinato throughout the whole second movement that consistently beams across the barline), as anytime the manual adjustment is removed, such as when there is some change that causes a measure to shift across systems or a page is added before the instance of the line, the result is the following: crossbreakbeams.png
This is a headache to readjust, but not the end of the world; I don't really mind doing it if it's the only option.

Is there any other potential workaround?


A simpler workaround in at least some situations would be to use the Inspector to move the last notehead & stem of the first system to the left, and the first notehead & stem of the second system to the right. A corresponding leading adjustment or other tweaks would help even out the spacing.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have found a satisfactory workaround for this issue (in the case where the score is nearly finished and system breaks are established). Change the 'actual duration' in Measure Properties to a very small fraction of the time signature (e.g., in common time, change it to 33/32 or 65/64). Do it in both the measure before and after the system break (at the end of one and then at the beginning of the next, respectively) and then allowing the 'beam middle' property for the superfluous rests ... and voilà, you have just what you need. The angles of the beam can be adjusted at will.

Of course, playback will be affected to a small extent. But, after all, our primary concern here is the printed score.

In reply to by stevebob

Steve, you're amazing! Thank you so much for that workaround! :) The only "downside" of that method is, that you have a lot of empty space in the beginning of the second measure, since the space for the pause is not disappearing if you make it invisible. But that is still way better than a flying beam!

The workaround I implemented for my Finale plugin was to create a zero-time tuplet to beam the 8th note to, then invisify and move it. In this case, 1 8th in the time of 0. I don't know if this is/will be possible for MuseScore plugins, but is a good solution for a plugin. I'd rather see a proper implementation, though.

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