To save space, can I put Playback Controls + Speed/Tempo on the same toolbar (row) as Note Input?

• Mar 27, 2021 - 14:40

And bonus:
Can I reduce the height of the toolbar (and ideally the size of the elements)?


The playback toolbar can be dragged by it's handle and indeed placed next to the note input toolbar. But that toolbar does not contain the speed/tempo controls; those are located in the play panel; which is a panel and not a toolbar, and as such can't be used as a toolbar.

You can set the icon width/height in Edit → Preferences → General → Appearance. I myself have those set at 16px for example

Also note, there are keyboard shortcuts available, or assignable via Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts, for most of those controls as well. So you can save even more space by just eliminating the playback toolbar. You can also customize it via View / Toolbars / Customize Toolbars to include only the buttons you need.

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