Enharmonic Key Signature for Transposing Instrument
I am no longer able to change the key signature for a transposing instrument to the enharmonic equivalent using the transpose by interval option e.g. Concert E major, Alto Sax: written in D flat instead of C sharp.
Is there another way around this? An updated feature would be appreciated.
You dsay you are unable to, how are you trying to do it, and what goes wrong when you try? They have been no recent changes I am aware of. You can continue to use the transposition interval of diminished seventh rather than major sixth to get E major to transposed to D flat same as always, and for a while now there is also the ability to enable an option to prefer flats in the key signature in Staff/Part Properties.
If you continue to have trouble, please attach your score and describe in more detail what you are doing, what you expect to see happen, and what happens instead. Then we can understand and assist better.
In reply to You dsay you are unable to,… by Marc Sabatella
I didn't realize there was a prefer sharps/flats option in the Staff/Part Properties menu. The problem is solved.
In reply to You dsay you are unable to,… by Marc Sabatella