
• Jan 3, 2022 - 15:41

What does /score-clean mean in the file properties? It seems to prevent me from updating a score.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks, that's fixed it and I now have the option to update the score. No idea how/why it got score-clean, certainly not something that I typed. My PC is going incredibly slowly, (probably a Windows update), so maybe that is somehow involved.

I vaguely recall this having something to do with the score-sharing website, something they use to track something about the status of link to the copy there. If it's always in the "source" field, it's definitely about

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, I was seriously bitten by the "score-clean" process a year ago which removed the URL from the Source field on dozens of scores in the OpenScore Lieder Corpus. This is what I posted in the thread mentioned by Jojo:

**I am fairly certain that this is a "score clean-up" process being run by the MuseScore team in Kaliningrad. There was major problem starting about 12 December 2020, which showed up as broken formatting in several areas of downloaded scores. See this long thread on "Improving":

In the absence of any official announcement from the MuseScore staff, I can only assume that there is a batch process which locks (one at a time) any potentially damaged scores dating from ca. 12 December (2020) and then performs a complex edit to "clean" or reformat various broken elements . These include edited dynamics (subito p), tempo directions with a notehead and stem metronome mark, instrument names which extend over two lines and so on.**

In reply to by yonah_ag

"If it happens again then I'll ask about it on the .com site"

And if you do, perhaps you can ask why the /score-clean process doesn't replace the original URL? I am baffled as to why:
a) no MuseScore staff member has ever acknowledged that there is such a batch process;
b) after more than a year this problem still persists - the score's original URL is being removed from the Source field of Score Properties, and is not being restored at the end of the /score-clean process.

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