My Templates Don't Show up in the Score Wizard

• Nov 6, 2022 - 22:47

When I create a score I can't use templates I created; they just fail to show up in the score wizard. I have to open them like a regular file, clean out the garbage by hand and take it from there.

Here is what occurred to me might help but did not: 1. I uninstalled Musescore (without deleting the files in the document folder) and downloaded and re-istalled a fresh file. 2. I checked the file location and spelling for the private template folder. I can't see anything wrong there either.

Any ideas on what I might try?

Edit: I forgot to mention: Macbook Air MacOS Ventura, the same problem occurs also on an older MacBook with OS Sierra.


Or you could create a template. Save As (some name). Open it later. Add notes. Save As (name of score). The next time you want to use that template, open the blank one you made (some name). Which I think is the way it is supposed to work with your own templates.

Not sure what you mean by "private template folder" - you should be saving to your own ordinary templates folder, right next to your Scores folder, under Documents/MuseScore3. If it's set to be private somehow, that could be the problem right there.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The templates that come with the download of the software are in a different folder. I got the term "private folder" from somewhere in the handbook. The folder I am, talking about is the one in the musescore3 folder. To me it seems to be right where it should be. I don't understand "right next to it" in this context, in my computer the folders are sorted alphabetically, so there are two in between "scores" and "templates."

And no, I would not even know how to set a folder to "private".

In reply to by azumbrunn

By "next to", I mean, at the same level as - both as contained within the same parent folder. Whether your file browser happens to have be set to list things alphabetically or by date or whatever doesn't really matter; they are still siblings in this sense.

Anyhow, that sounds like the right place indeed. You're sure you don't see them listed under "Custom Templates" right at the top of the templates list? Also check Edit / Preferences / General to be sure MuseScore hasn't been set to look somewhere else other than this default location.

In reply to by azumbrunn

Add-on: The next time I tried it the custom templates are AGAIN missing in the template selection window! In the mean time I have upgraded to MS4 and guess what: The same thing is happening in MS4 too! I opened my custom template files in MS4, then saved them to the MS4 template folder. They do not show up just like in MS3. By now I am quite good at working around this problem and I am not going to spend a lot of mental energy on it. But it is annoying.

In reply to by azumbrunn

Hmm, I'm not even seeing the "My Templates" listed, suggesting that MsueScore isn't looking in that folder. You didn't change your settings in Edit / Preferences / Folders to look somewhere else, did you? What if you do Help / Revert to factory settings? Also, it shouldn't matter, but try closing all MuseScore windows and then checking again.

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