How to Set Different Dynamics for Staffs of the Same Instrument in MS4?

• Dec 16, 2022 - 01:28

For MSCZ files using the default piano setup—one piano instrument with two staffs—when there is a melody in one hand and a supporting figure in the other, the dynamics should be set to emphasize the melody by playing one staff at a higher velocity than the other.

In MS2 and MS3, you could do this by inserting two dynamics, one for each staff, and setting each to "staff" mode using the inspector; by doing this, a dynamic would only apply to one staff, even if the instrument it was applying to had more than one staff.

I can find no such option in MS4's new "properties" menu. Is there a way to do this in MS4?


The dynamics themselves no longer have playback properties in them. The current approach is to set a velocity on the note, for which it is said a better UI will come in a future update.

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