Musescore 4 Multiple Tabs
When attempting to open multiple scores in MS4, instead of adding another tab to the preexisting window, a new window opens with each additional score opened. When editing or working on multiple scores at once, this becomes messy. Is this intentional, or is this a bug? If it is intentional, how do I revert to a system like MS3 where I can have multiple tabs with different scores open in a single window and easily switch between them?
It is intentional and by design
In reply to It is intentional and by… by Jojo-Schmitz
Forgive me, but why? I do not see the advantage.
It seems a step back to me, and close to a showstopper for me, however attractive much of MS4 is.
Any chance of making it optional?
In reply to Forgive me, but why? I do… by user2442
It is currently mandatory to integrate the new playback engine. There is some work ongoing to try and consolidate it into a single instance possibility again, but no definitive outcome yet.
In reply to It is currently mandatory to… by jeetee
I hope the new playback engine can be re-architected to allow for multi-threaded use (vs. multi-process use) -- multi-threading is usually far lighter weight than multi-process and then the tabbed approach would be a no-brainer since each tab could be controlled from a separate thread.
Now, I suppose you could architect the whole thing as a large UI shell with tabs to represent open projects, but the open projects themselves are run as headless processes without a "main" window that would show up at the window manager level but rather child windows that can be obtained and displayed by that top level UI and constrained to be within the working "project" area. That way the playback engine can remain architected to run single-threaded within a process.
Anyway, all capable DAWs already allow tabbed projects (I use Reaper) so given that MuseScore is incrementally approaching DAW capabilities, this is certainly something that should be worked on.
In reply to I hope the new playback… by thomaswb
As far as I know, the current playback system is multithreaded - this was implemented about 3/4 of the way through the beta period. But, that's multiple threads per score. Each score is still in a separate process, each with several threads.
I'm sure separate threads dor each score within a process would be possible, but then you'd be back to the original problem of maintaining the separate audio states for each score.
In reply to As far as I know, the… by Marc Sabatella
It's certainly not a show-stopper for me, just less convenient to not have all open scores accessible from a tabbed interface.
Maintaining separate audio states for each score should be relatively straightforward (not saying it's trivial though, depending on how modularized the code is for access to the global audio state) using a shared block heap memory holding score-level state that the threads for a given score all access. Given that the playback engine is currently multi-threaded, there must be some synchronization in place to access the shared process global memory for state so replacing with synchronized access to a shared block of heap memory might not be out of reach.
In reply to Forgive me, but why? I do… by user2442
I fully agree, it's a real pain to have each score open in a new window, and I'm shocked that the single tab - explicitly visible in each score window - falsely suggests that multiple scores SHOULD be avaiable on multiple tabs in one window.
also I can't get the program to open a score with a full page or two pages of the score fitting in the window (about 90-100% zoom). this means I have reset the zoom every time I open a score - also a pain. Is there a way to fix this?
In reply to It is intentional and by… by Jojo-Schmitz
To me these are the three most serious issues because they are not bugs they are by design.
Anyway, good luck. I appreciate this software tremendously. I have been using Musescore daily for over seven years? I was one of the first users.
I have been trying to get my overseas friends to adopt it, but Avid/Sibelius is so cemented into the media world that it is going to be a hard sell.
But anyway, I hope a meeting is held and a redesign of 1, 2 and 3 happens.
In reply to It is intentional and by… by Jojo-Schmitz
I would very much appreciate if it was optional, or even better, if it was like an internet browser, where you could have different windows and tabs. Many times, I am working on 4-5 scores at a time, and I have to click each one to find out the one that I want, because there is no way of telling other than looking at each page.
In reply to It is intentional and by… by Jojo-Schmitz
bad intention. I am sorry.
what I like about mu4 is that it already lets us see single score in the full score by hiding others.
but when coupled with intentions and designs of opening another instance is no progress.
In reply to It is intentional and by… by Jojo-Schmitz
This is stupid.
In reply to It is intentional and by… by Jojo-Schmitz
Could you please return the tabbs. It's become quite messy while working on multple songs.
In reply to It is intentional and by… by Jojo-Schmitz
not a good design though....
I am still using musescore 3 for this reason.
In reply to It is intentional and by… by Jojo-Schmitz
It SUCKS! Makes my workfllow 5X harder.
In reply to It is intentional and by… by Jojo-Schmitz
In addition 4 does NOT comply with the split screen function in Windows. All this flipping back and forth is just death to my workflow. Going back to 3. For scores which are created in 4 the extra time to open 4 and create and XML file so I can open in 3 is worth it.
In reply to In addition 4 does NOT… by Russell Ferrara
You can open MS4 scores directly with MS3.7
See for details.
In reply to You can open MS4 scores with… by yonah_ag
Thanks but Github is impossible to deal with. I just wasted a valuable hour and can't find the download. I am logged into git hub and I followed the directions. Don't bother to post any hellp. I can't waste any more time. I'll wait until it's posted in a more reasonable place.
In reply to Thanks but Github is… by Russell Ferrara
It's not going to get posted anywhere else. If you are on Windows then the instructions are step by step.
In reply to It's not going to get posted… by yonah_ag
I guess I'm stupid but I spent 45 valuable minutes and I can't get it to work. Ridiculous. They must have 50 versions posted in the normal manner but this one you have to jump through hoops.
In reply to I guess I'm stupid but I… by Russell Ferrara
It’s an unofficial version.
I think your tone is unnecessarily rude. People responding to you on these forums are volunteers helping people like you in their free time.
In reply to I guess I'm stupid but I… by Russell Ferrara
Which step of are you struggling with?
In reply to Which step of https://sites… by Jojo-Schmitz
Now moved to
In reply to I guess I'm stupid but I… by Russell Ferrara
Are you on Windows? If so, how far do you get with the procedure? It's certainly more fiddly than a normal installation and I made the guide partly as reminder to myself. As mentioned above, 3.7 is an unofficial version so t can't get released in the usual manner. The last official MS3 was 3.6.2.
Yes, you do have to jump thru hoops but once you done so a few times, you get the hang of it and it only takes a couple of minutes. Typically, I only update when there's something new that I'm interested in. I don't install every single update.
If you are on MacOS then there can be different issues and a MacOS user may be able to help.
[Edit] Thanks Jojo, you pipped me to the post again. 😀
In reply to You can open MS4 scores with… by yonah_ag
Now moved to
I don't know which platform the OP is using, but on Mac, opening another document opens another instance of MuseScore. I have not seen anything like that in many, many years of using a Mac.
Sorry for all the hard work that went in 4, but I'm sticking to 3 for now.
In reply to I don't know which platform… by gr3p3
Then it is even more of a problem than I thought. Not only a new window, but even a new instance.
This means that I am not going to use it as long as this will be the case.
MuseScore 4 has the potential to be absolutely stunning. I really hope this will be repaired.
In reply to Indeed. It is even worse… by user2442
The investigation into changing the architecture around the engine is ongoing to enable multi-window but single-instance in the future:
In reply to The investigation into… by jeetee
Thanks for the link. I read through it and realize now that the awareness of the problem within the team is already deeper than I knew. I also understand that quite some code might need to be rewritten and that would take time. I am happy that 4.x is named as a potential release point in the discussion.
I will now stop complaining...
In reply to Indeed. It is even worse… by user2442
I noticed this same problem immediately on opening MS4 and like jeroen2442, I won't be coming back to 4 until this issue is fixed.
In reply to Indeed. It is even worse… by user2442
I'm with you. I've held off until now to move to 4 and I'm pretty sure I'm moving back. I don't really care about the playback. It's NOT a DAW. I think they're trying to turn this into a DAW and thus ruin it.
In reply to I don't know which platform… by gr3p3
Same here, have to agree, this is a deal breaker for me, a pity as I would imagine a lot of work went into this.
In reply to I don't know which platform… by gr3p3
Same here. Multiple tabs is a must
In reply to Same here. Multiple tabs is… by tonisq
See #338910: Tabs behaviour change - Opening two scores on the same window
It looks like at the top where the tabs were in muse 3 is similar to muse 4, i really hope this gets updated, i would rather not have multiple windows open when I'm comparing score.
This is prohibitive for me as well. I'm staying on version 3.0. Regretfully because the new version seemed promising. Hoping that this problem will be fixed in a future update...
I am in a chorus and I practice with a few open scores, switching back and forth between songs, changing tempo and vocal mix as I learn my part in each. That is impossible to manage with all those instances, all those mixers, all those play panels
In reply to I am in a chorus and I… by Tim McKenna
Depending on your operating system, you can use virtual desktops to manage those i.e. place an instance in each desktop.
Hope this gets fixed!
Showstopper for me too. Will continue with MS3.x until this is fixed.
In reply to Showstopper for me too. Will… by mitdahand
It is interesting to me that this is such a terrible thing. Different? Sure. There are other notation programs that work this way. As does Word.
In reply to It is interesting to me that… by bobjp
Not with a new instance! That is really going too far.
Not to mention Tim McKenna's use case, which is exactly mine also. I don't know of a Word use case like that.
In reply to Not with a new instance!… by user2442
Word does not tab documents. It opens them in different windows. I guess I'm not understanding Tim's problem.
In reply to Word does not tab documents… by bobjp
Those multiple windows still use the same instance of Word loaded into memory. However, the downside of this is that: if one window crashes word then all the windows crash since they are sharing the single instance.
This can happen with Excel VBA so it can be preferable to deliberately choose to run multiple instances of the program to give some crash protection. I guess that the same is possible with Word VBA.
In reply to Word does not tab documents… by bobjp
One reason I don't use Word.
Launching an entirely separate instance of an application is very uncommon on the macOS: I'd go so far as to say that it breaks the design philosophy of the programme. Don't like!
In reply to Launching an entirely… by tedthetrumpet
I admit to not knowing much about Mac. What design philosophy is broken?
In reply to I admit to not knowing much… by bobjp
The design philosophy that forces you to have all documents open in a single instance rather than the equally convenient multiple instances I guess. ;-) A chacun son goût.
The real problem with Musescore in multiple instances is that they don't inherit settings. Set up a workspace how you like it and create a new score. The new instance uses the settings from before you set up your new workspace. You have to close Musescore, re-open it and only then can you clone new instances with your new workspace settings
In reply to I admit to not knowing much… by bobjp
This is not meant to be a sarky comment, but… if you haven't used a mac then you won't know how deeply wrong it feels to have two copies of the same app open at the same time!
Also, to clarify: this is not about having more than one window open, that's fine!
In reply to I admit to not knowing much… by bobjp
App container is a single instance that can contain multiple views (windows, tabs, whatnot). Running multiple instances of the same binary is not Mac-like behaviour. This new "feature" also made most of your screenshots / videos obsolete within your docs. This feels like a bug.
Just adding my voice to this.
If there is an option to disable the sound engine completely just to be able to have different scores within one window, I could deal with that.
On Mac, Musescore opens another application named identically--so cmd-tabbing between these Musescore apps doesn't even let you know which score you're tabbing to.
It does seem quite clunky and counter-intuitive.
In reply to Just adding my voice to this… by Greggles135
Not snarky at all. But really? With all the problems V4 has, This is the main problem?
In reply to Not snarky at all. But… by bobjp
Good point. I'm going to shut up now: reminding myself that this is excellent free software that I should be grateful for!
In reply to Not snarky at all. But… by bobjp
Everyone uses Musescore differently hey. For me, yes, this is the biggest issue. Opening new instances of an application just for a new score seems wrong and clunky.
I don't use the musescore audio at all.
In reply to Just adding my voice to this… by Greggles135
Totally agree. Also with Tim's use case - even toggle back and forth between songs during a concert to get a last minute melody boost. Wouldn't work with the current v4 setup. So back to v3 and hoping for this to be sorted out...
See #338910: Tabs behaviour change - Opening two scores on the same window
Switching between multiple windows when using a single app could be annoying. I am switching back to MS3 until the multiple-tab feature comes back in MS4.
In reply to Switching between multiple… by MC314159
On Windows just press keyboard shortcut Alt+Tab to switch between windows. Would that really be annoying?
In reply to On Windows just press… by yonah_ag
Alt-Tab cycles through all applications. Unf in Windows there is no ALT/CMD+` which is both on Linux and Mac
In reply to Alt-Tab cycles through all… by Jacek Gajek
If you create a virtual desktop on Windows 10 then Alt-Tab is constrained to the active virtual desktop. So, put MS instances onto the same virtual desktop and Alt-Tab will switch between scores. With many apps the taskbar will give an indication of the app's contents, e.g. filename, (score name).
I think for the people evaluating user feedback it would be helpful if everyone who has mentioned their dislike of the missing tabs here would also explicitly state why they think tabs are important for their use of MuseScore (if they haven't already done that.
In reply to I think for the people… by RobFog
I would be happy with a windows menu with each score in its own window rather than a tab. Having multiple instances of the app with no idea which is which is a real headache.
In reply to I think for the people… by RobFog
After experimenting with it for a while, I have to say I like the new system with one score per window, and tabs for the different parts. (At first I thought tabs had disappeared altogether, but they are actually being put to a different use.)
What I would find very difficult to live with is multiple instances of the app existing if I am editing multiple scores. In any case on the Mac. But it seems the team is aware of that and is working on a solution. If that is implemented my voice actually goes to keeping windows-for-scores and tabs-for-parts.
In reply to After experimenting with it… by user2442
Running multiple instances of an app can have advantages. I typically run multiple instances of Excel whenever there is any VBA involved as this gives some measure of crash protection. If you use a single instance (loading multiple files) then a crash kills all the Excel windows and you lose all changes to all loaded files.
So maybe, with MS4 being so new, it is more likely to crash in its earlier releases than later on and, therefore, multiple instances could prove to be a score saver.
In reply to Running multiple instances… by yonah_ag
Maybe on Windows, but on the Mac multiple instances are very inconvenient. You get multiple identical icons in your system tray with no way to know which icon hides which score. Same when trying to switch between instances with Cmd-Tab (Mac version of Alt-Tab) - no way of telling to which score you are switching. That gets very annoying very quickly.
As to crash protection: you can set autosave in increments of 1 minute, starting with 1. So not too much of a problem, I would say.
In reply to Maybe on Windows, but on the… by user2442
One of my pet hates is autosave! It's a waste of disk i/o and my mechanical hard disk is on the way out. Autosave wreaks of dodgy software. If software is stable then I much prefer to save manually.
There are clearly different preferences amongst users on this issue. Maybe it depends on how many scores you tend to have open. I only have 2 at most, so I would easily know which I am switching to but I can see that this could be annoying if you have a lot of scores open.
I think that it's good to see MS4 launched now, as it has been eagerly anticipated, and leave a resolution to a future update, rather than delay the release for this feature.
In reply to One of my pet hates is… by yonah_ag
Autosave is something to do in addition to save manually. No way does manual saving prevent the need for disaster recovery autosave.
In reply to Autosave is something to do… by Marc Sabatella
I'd rather not give my aging hard disk that extra hammering. Once I'm confident that software doesn't crash then I don't use autosave. I know that the current trend is to save after every keypress, (e.g. Google docs), but this just seems really paranoid to my old fashioned mindset.
For disaster recovery I use a backup system.
In reply to I'd rather not give my aging… by yonah_ag
No version of MuseScore has ever been immune to crashes. And the autosave interval is only three minutes by default and can be customized to be less. If your hard drive is so unreliable that you don’t trust it to save every three minutes, it has far worse problems than can prevented by disabling autosave!
In reply to No version of MuseScore has… by Marc Sabatella
My PC has trouble booting but otherwise seems OK. There's nothing on it that I can't easily recover so I'm only vaguely looking for a new one. Maybe I can pick one up in the January sales - but I still won't use autosave. I have only had a single crash with MS3.6.2 so it's very reliable for me. I'll wait for MS4 to bed in before installing it.
In reply to I think for the people… by RobFog
I often want to make a different version of score so I need to have both windows (old score and new) easily accessible and switch between them. With Mus4 the way to swap between windows now has to be cntl-tab, but that swaps between all currently open applications, and on my machine there are a lot of those. I know I can also use the mouse to click on the corner of a window. But keyboard is faster.
Aquedelta, Dec 16 2022 : "how do I revert to a system like MS3 where I can have multiple tabs with different scores open in a single window and easily switch between them?"
Treat your desktop as a single window and use keyboard shortcut (Atl+Tab on Windows) to switch between instances of MS4 easily.
Unfortunately this is a show-stopper for me too... Thankfully I store my files on a versioned cloud otherwise I would loose my scores. (MS 4 and cannot save files in a MS 3 compatible format).
In reply to Unfortunately this is a show… by Jacek Gajek
Hmm, I'm somehow still not understand how pressing Ctrl+Tab is more better than pressing Alt+Tab, or clicking a tab within the MuseScore is better than clicking the taskbar icon. It's functionalllu the same, better even in that Alt+Tab nicely switches back and forth between scores. Can someone please explain more clearly what they feel they are actually losing, as opposed to simply needing to press/clicking a slightly different button than before?
In reply to Hmm, I'm somehow still not… by Marc Sabatella
There is a reason why browsers started to use tabs. Alt+tab cycles between all apps. So it's not reliable as it can take you to a web browser or PDF viewer.
Also on Windows you don't have a visual feedback because all instances of app are hidden under the same icon so you don't really know which scores are currently open.
It's not only about UX, it's about loosing a lot of functionality, for example you cannot customize palette if you have multiple instances of app. You change a palette in one score but cannot use it in another. Same with everything.
It's not only about functionality, it's also performance. In MS3 opening a score is instant. MS4 it takes several seconds. Imagine that I have 30 single-page scores which I want quickly review before a gig (a real-world use case). In MS3 they can be opened in a few seconds (select 15 files in Windows Explorer and press Enter, repeat) and I can cycle through all of them with ctrl+tab. In MS4 it would take ages and took 9 GB of RAM with no way to linearly cycle through scores.
In reply to There is a reason why… by Jacek Gajek
FWIW, I do understand and sympathize with these special concerns. But so far no one has found a way to solve the more fundamental problem of needing different playback profiles for each score with these other desires. It's a difficult technical problem that so far none of the core team nor any of the community members who contribute to the development have devised a satisfactory solution for. For most cases, Alt+Tab and selecting from a menu work very well.
In reply to FWIW, I do understand and… by Marc Sabatella
If you use Window 10 virtual desktops then:
• Pressing Alt-Tab is constrained to the current virtual desktop
- so put your instances all on the same virtual desktop and name that desktop "Musescore" (see pic)
• Separate instances can be seen in the Taskbar with the start of the score name, (visual feedback 1)
• Pressing Windows-Tab shows all your instances in a mini-view, (visual feedback 2)
This doesn't solve memory usage problems etc. but can help with easy switching
In reply to FWIW, I do understand and… by Marc Sabatella
Well I can cite Elon Musk "5 steps of design" here
1. Make the requirements less dumb.
2. Delete the part or process.
Why do you insist on keeping the "needing different playback profiles for each score" requirement? Seems to be a rare edge case for me and if somebody needs that then they can launch a separate instance of app anyway.
Seeing how many features we loose due to this requirement (basically all customization of workspace) it really needs to be groomed again.
In reply to Well I can cite Elon Musk "5… by Jacek Gajek
That's a good question, but I think you probably underestimate the value of having different instruments loaded for different scores. After all, you might have a piano score in one window, an orchestra in another, choral music in another, etc. But indeed, it would be great to find a solution,. So far, people have tried but not succeeded. if you're saying you have expertise in this area and are volunteering your service to help in the spirit of open source cooperation, great, I'm sure the team would welcome your contributions!
In reply to That's a good question, but… by Marc Sabatella
I have no idea if I can help, but I do have experience with software design and architecture. Also coding, but not in C++ I'm afraid. Anyway, I would like to see if I can contribute. How to proceed?
In reply to I have no idea if I can help… by user2442
I'd start by checking out Contribute / Development in the menu above, familiarizing yourself with the code, and participating in the discussion son the Development and/or Design channels on Discord (links should be found in the documentation in the above menu)
In reply to I'd start by checking out… by Marc Sabatella
In reply to That's a good question, but… by Marc Sabatella
If I have two piano scores then they are loaded twice? I think everything should be loaded just once and reused in all tabs, just like in MS3. You manage a background "Muse" process anyway so why not put it there?
In reply to If I have two piano scores… by Jacek Gajek
Currently, yes, if you have two scores that happen to use the same sounds, those sounds are loaded for each score. The background process you mention is just a small installer, it's not actually part of MuseScore itself nor is it meant to be (it also works to install other programs from the Muse Group).
As mentioned previously, if you have technical expertise that youbeleive would allow you to solve the problems that have thus far eluded the professional software developers who bui,t this system, Ithen I am sure they woould welcome your input! However, this forum is not a good place to contact the developers - instead see Contribute / Development in the menu above. I recommend starting with the Discord channel and explain your design proposal there.
In reply to Currently, yes, if you have… by Marc Sabatella
I want to warn against using this “small program”. It is called MuseHub and very easy to use, but it installs a service with unlimited acces on your computer that runs permanently and which could potentially compromise your system and expose it to external parties.
Instead, you can use the direct “Download without MuseHub” link on the MuseScore download page.
In reply to I want to warn against using… by jimfoster
Except that you can't get Muse Sounds without it. Please provide proof of your claim. Some kind of printout from a security program. Other than you don't trust it.
In reply to Except that you can't get… by bobjp
Thank you for asking. The subject deserves a impartial, fact based discussion. Sorry if this is lengthy, but I feel I need the space to not seem "just claiming" but actually to explain why I think the way I do.
I invite everbody to either refute or support my position with factual arguments. I believe in free discussion, and I would be very happy to be proven wrong. I will not be afraid to withdraw it and apologize, should that happen.
You ask for a security report on MuseHub. Nothing would be better than a successful security audit by a reputable third party. Such an audit does not exist as far as I know, and to execute it one would ideally need source code access to the app, which is impossible without cooperation from MuseHub, since it is closed source.
But observations on its behaviour can be made, have been made, and have been reported both on the MuseScore forum, as here, and on the MuseHub forum. They give me cause for concern.
Many of them are from sources that I consider reliable, both from the wording used and from what they report. Some reports I have confirmed on my own machine. Below I will summarize a few. My own background is professional software engineer, with good knowledge especially on Linux and MacOS.
I would welcome any contribution on all systems, but especially on Windows, either to support or to refute my concerns.
Now to the issue itself. Since the problem lies in the technique, I will necessarily have to make a few technical observations. I will make them as accessible as possible, without oversimplifying.
First the notion of "root access" that comes up frequently in the reports. "Root" is the term used in Linux and MacOS for the "superuser", that is roughly the same as the system administrator: the person who can install applications, access and modify each and every file or folder from any user, and indeed modify most (on MacOS) or all (on LInux) of the critical system files. If the superuser has bad intentions, he can make the machine crash, expose all information on it to outside parties, or have it take part in mass attacks on critical services. Or report on your movements, if installed on your laptop, or anything else that a computer can do.
If a process (program) is "owned by root", it means that it can do everything the superuser can. The deepest layer of the OS consists of processes owned by root. That is necessary to perform critical tasks. These programs are part of the OS and are provided by Apple or Microsoft, or come with your favorite Linux distribution. They are protected by layers of security, and can never be touched (modified) by ordinary users or by programs ran by them. Only an administrator or another root owned process can access them. An ordinary user should have no need for them. They will run on his behalf when necessary, without him either knowing it or controlling them. That is to protect the integrity of the system from harm, committed either unknowingly or on purpose..
Now it has been reported that MuseHub installs a root owned process. I have confirmed that this is the case on my Mac. To see it running, enter (in a console window):
$ ps aux | grep -iE 'muse|hub'
This gives:
root 688 0,0 0,1 34338016 25116 ?? Ss 1:54 0:00.36 /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.muse.museservice
This confirms that it runs with root privileges. It also can be observed that it is running all the time, even when MuseHub has been closed by the user.
It is considered bad practice, and a security risk, to have programs provided by third parties running as root. Three reasons are:
Why does MuseHub thinks it needs such powerful access? I do not know. Its apparent function are:
The only reason it would need root access is the silent install, since that requires writing to the system wide application folder, for which you need root access.
The alternative, which virtually all other programs use, is to notify the user of new versions and let him do the installation himself. A very small price to pay for avoiding giving indiscriminate root access to a third party. (And in fact my preference, since I might decide I do not want a specific update.)
This is the core of the argument. I may very well not have addressed all your questions, in which case I hope you will come back with them. As said, any outcome of the discussion based on facts is welcome, and should it be determined that there is no cause for concern after all I will be a happy person. If only because that would give me safe access to the beautiful MuseSounds libraries.
In reply to @bobjp: Thank you for asking… by jimfoster
It is interesting to me that you posted this in the middle of a thread that has nothing to do with the Hub. Forum protocol suggests that this type of post should be a separate topic. This alone makes your post suspect. Not because I doubt the veracity of the content. Or that you truly believe it. The Hub Service is running on my Windows computer even after I close it. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that many other services are running that have root access, also. It's possible that someone with malicious intent could hack into any of them at anytime. It's also possible that might never happen. Once the Hub has been used to download the sounds, it can be uninstalled. At least on Windows. And then re-installed later. If you really want more people to join in, start a new topic.
In reply to @bobjp: Thank you for asking… by jimfoster
Whilst your info should be in its own thread, it is indeed concerning that a 3rd party piece of software requires such a high access level. In mitigation, the devs have no history of malpractice so I doubt that there is any malicious code included. We just have to hope that it poses no security risk from hackers.
In reply to @jimfoster Whilst your info… by yonah_ag
The entry for the problem has vanished, so it seems
This makes it even more suspicious.
In reply to see… by graffesmusic
I can confirm this. It was I who submitted the entry, and it used to be 100% working.
In reply to Indeed. It was I who… by user2442
I just checked on the forum, and it is indeed no longer there.
In reply to Indeed. It was I who… by user2442
What did you post there and what does "100% working" mean?
In reply to What did you post there and… by bobjp
I summarized the arguments made on this forum why MuseHub should be considered dangerous. I politely asked them to look into it and take action. I posted a link to the entry on this, the MuseScore forum (
With "100 % working" I just meant that this link,, was working at the time I posted it.
UPDATE: As of today, January 4, the entry has been reinstated.
In reply to Following a suggestion from… by user2442
I see that port is also used by some common games.
In reply to I see that port is also used… by bobjp
Yes, and using that port is in itself not a problem. But.having it open in a root owned process is.
In reply to Yes, and using that port is… by user2442
I haven't as yet been able to see if the Hub runs with root access on Windows. I quit the Hub so it doesn't show in my taskbar any more. The exe. service is running on port 7364. But, as I already said, there are other services for closed applications running on various ports above the 1025 mark.
So far I can not verify that the Hub is an actual problem. You say there is potential danger. I can't really verify or deny it. So I can only leave it alone, because I can't see the need for any action on anyone's part. A poor argument would be that just going on the internet is dangerous. I wouldn't accept that argument. So what are we to do?
In reply to I haven't as yet been able… by bobjp
I'd say we need solid, undisputable facts more than anything. There is a lot of disagreement at the moment, fueled by incomplete information, and a factual investigation should help.
I propose to open a new topic with title "MuseHub -- what does it do and can it really cause harm? The facts." or something like that. I think the combined knowledge of forum users should give us really fast solid ground to stand on and make us know if there really is a problem, if so on what platforms, and what, perhaps, could be done about it. (And no, the answer cannot be "give up on internet"...)
Would you agree?
In reply to I'd say we need solid facts… by jimfoster
Makes sense. Presumably the developers of MuseHub could easily clarify the situation.
In reply to Makes sense. Presumably the… by yonah_ag
And as explained previously, the place to contact the Muse Hub developers is via their Zendesk site. Feel free to start a new thread here on this community-oriented site to reach a consensus before reaching out to the developers, but when you are ready to contact them, you will need to do so through their Zendesk site.
In reply to And as explained previously,… by Marc Sabatella
I created a new topic "MuseHub - What does it do and can it really cause harm? In search of facts." (
In reply to And as explained previously,… by Marc Sabatella
@Marc Sabatella: Coming back to this point: I did indeed make a posting to their forum, see….
Some discussion followed, with others chiming in. In you can read that the developers have fallen silent after well-argued concerns had been posted. This leaves the matter in limbo and unresolved. Will you be able to help?
In reply to Coming back to this point: I… by user2442
Sorry, I have no connection whatsoever to anything having to do with Muse Hub. I do see a comment from one of the developers that they are actively working on addressing the concerns raised. So my best advice is to simply be patient. Meanwhile, the hub does work fine as is.
In reply to @jimfoster Whilst your info… by yonah_ag
@bobjp, @yonah_ag,
In retrospect it would have been better to move the explanation to a separate topic and put a link here. My bad.
However, it was an answer to "please provide proof" from bobjp and as such I do not see what there is "suspect" about it, as he says.
My original post was a simple warning as a reaction to an earlier post in this topic where, undoubtedly with the best intentions, the use of MuseHub was presented as a thing of course, without any warning about the possible dangers that come with it. Dangers that have been signalled many times in other topics on this forum.
I think such a warning is not out of place. Many users, especially of this topic, might not be aware of the problem, and as such I think there is nothing wrong with putting in a warning.
If bobjp would be interested to know what could be true of "many other services are running that have root access" on his machine, he just has to ask and I will argue that that is very likely not true in the sense he seems to mean.
And also that even completely uninstalling MuseHub after use might not take away the risk. In a separate topic this time.
In reply to @bobjp, @yonah_ag, In… by jimfoster
I have just checked my Windows 10 setup to see which services are running with Local System access. The only such services running, which are NOT part of the Windows installation, are from my antivirus software.
There are 3 Google services with Local System access but these are not running, even with Chrome Web browser open; and there is a Bonjour service which I disabled some years ago so this is not running.
So it does seem odd that MuseHub should need system wide access.
In reply to FWIW, I do understand and… by Marc Sabatella
I don't see why there should be a "difficult technical problem" ( If they had made a normal midi interface for MuseSounds these problems would never have occurred. As it is, they have forced MuseScore to build an awful proprietary interface to their lib. With all the problems we are now facing.
Why did they, I wonder? To create a lock-in situation for anyone wishing to use MuseSounds? Certainly looks that way. Doesn't speak well for their intentions, and certainly not in the spirit of what's best for the community.
In reply to I don't see why there should… by johnweigand
If you have a solution in mind, I'm sure the development team would welcome your PR that solves it!
But for the record, no, using a "normal interface" for Msue Sounds would not have changed anything about this. The only thing it would have accomplished is rendering Muse Sounds much less realistic. The reason MIDI wasn't chosen is that it is far too limiting, which is why soundfonts can never sound as as good as Muse Sounds and why VST's can come close only through the use of hacks like keyswitches but even then fall short of the capabilities of Muse Sounds.
The interface is not intended to create a lock, BTW - it's going to be published soon as open source, so anyone can use the same interface.
In reply to There is a reason why… by Jacek Gajek
@ Jacek Gajek You said: "Also on Windows you don't have a visual feedback because all instances of app are hidden under the same icon so you don't really know which scores are currently open."
Right now I have 12 full orchestra , multi-page scores open in MS4. If I scroll over the icon in my taskbar, I see a preview of all 12, including titles. If I scroll over the previews, I see the first page of each score full screen.
I won't even go into how odd it is to use scores (rather than some kind of copy) to look at for most any reason other than editing.
True, MS4 takes longer to load than MS3. That's because it does more. But it sounds to me like you don't need MS4. Great. No problem.
In reply to @ Jacek Gajek You said: … by bobjp
How much RAM is MS4 needing for all those scores to be open at the same time?
(I know what you mean about viewing scores: much better not in a full blown score editor.)
In reply to How much RAM is MS4 needing… by yonah_ag
I would never do that in any real world situation. I just did it to see what would happen. And I only did it with 12 scores because that is my full MS4 folder. It maxed my CPU, but I still had ram. This computer is about 8 years old, and doesn't meet MS4 specs. Dual core i5. 8GB ram. 1TB SSD. Oh, and an old Diamond Sound Tube as a usb audio interface. Cost about $20 back in the day. Playback of loud full orchestra scores is fine.
In reply to I would never do that in any… by bobjp
Impressive, especially as this is such an extreme example. It doesn't look like the multi instances of MS4 are over taxing so I would've thought that there are higher priority issues to address than working on a single instance multi tabbed interface.
In reply to Impressive, especially as… by yonah_ag
The thing is, only one instance is normally active at a time, so in principle it can be more efficient than when all scores and all sounds are in a single process. The OS can do what it is designed to do - swap processes in and out as needed.
In reply to The thing is, only one… by Marc Sabatella
I guess so. Swapping should also be much quicker on modern computers compared to the old physical hard disk based swapfile that my PC is running.
In reply to The thing is, only one… by Marc Sabatella
Except that swapping unused application pages is quicker for OS than swapping processes, so no, it is definitively not more efficient to use several processes.
In reply to Except that swapping unused… by frfancha
I never said it was more efficient, or quicker or anything. Just possible. I might try it on my one computer that has a 4 core CPU, 16 GM of ram. But for the most part I'm not sure it means that much to me.
In reply to Except that swapping unused… by frfancha
I disagree - paging requires a fair of guesswork, and in a single-instance app, there is no way for an OS to know which page sare associated with the current score and which are associated with other scores. So it will not be able to make optimum choices compared to swapping processes - which in any well-written OS is very efficient.
I'm not saying there would necessarily be a noticeable difference, but I am saying, the mere fact that sounds are loaded into multiple process is not going to be a problem in practice, because any loss in swapping processes is likely to be more than offset in being able to keep the right pages in memory. Only if you spend more time switching tabs than actually working on a score would it be the other way around.
In reply to Except that swapping unused… by frfancha
Re: frfancha • Dec 31, 2022 - 20:49
"so no, it is definitively not more efficient to use several processes"
I think that bobjp's test shows that the efficiency, or otherwise, of multiple processes is not a performance problem in the real world, provided that the CPU is not constantly flat out. It would be interesting to know how many scores needed to be closed to bring his CPU back to 50% or less, especially as his test was on a relatively low spec PC.
In reply to How much RAM is MS4 needing… by yonah_ag
Tested on a dual Xeon E5-1620 @3.60GHz with 16GB RAM, OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.0-223472159, revision: 5485621
The basic program takes about 300MB RAM and each score (even if it is empty) about 200 to 300 MB. No problem if you have enough RAM but this is way more than MS3 used and, for some people, will lead to swap file usage which will really slow things down.
Fortunately, you can buy some seriously powerful ex-corporate PCs on eBay (I am replacing my current system which is 10 years old with a 4 year old machine because the old one has a physical problem with the ethernet circuitry). Or, depending upon your machine, you might see a benefit from adding some RAM (and that might help in other programs, too).
In reply to Tested on a dual Xeon E5… by underquark
Your information is very useful and confirms that, whilst my old PC will struggle with MS4, I should have no trouble with multiple instances on any half decent new laptop, so I don't see it as being a significant issue.
This is terrible. Tabs are the way to go, and it's the expected behavior for virtually all software; even my TeX editor works with tabs and doesn't put up a fuss. I understand that it's a one step forward kind of deal, but (edited) nope, Stage Manager doesn't work; the OS treats the application as separate instances, so I am sending the various windows to the background entirely.
In reply to This is terrible. Tabs are… by luntastonemason
Again, Word doesn't use tabs. Nor does Audacity. Nor Sibelius. To name a few,
In reply to Again, Word doesn't use tabs… by bobjp
Word indeed doesn't use tabs, but it offers "View side by side" and "Switch Windows"
In reply to Word indeed doesn't use tabs… by frfancha
MS4 doesn't need a switch windows button. Going to the taskbar is the same thing.
In reply to MS4 doesn't need a switch… by bobjp
No it isn't.
Switch windows shows you Word instances only, not everything.
And it is a list of names, taking less space on screen than the task bar hover, so you can immediately spot the correct one even when many of them the are opened.
And again you get options to arrange these Word windows on screen.
Bottom line, Word doesn't use tabs, but offers all the same features tabs would.
In reply to No it isn't. Switch windows… by frfancha
And going to the taskbar icon only shows you MS instances. But I get that it could be a hassle for people how have many things in the taskbar. I have file explorer and control panel only. Plus whatever software I am using at the time.
In reply to Again, Word doesn't use tabs… by bobjp
But Pages does. And going from tabs to away from tabs is not how this should behave. I’m particularly sensitive because of the way running multiple instances of the program works on macOS. It’s poorly conceived.
It’d be one thing if the default was a new window, but it’s just not even possible to change this. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
In reply to But Pages does. And going… by luntastonemason
I'm not sure why something that is not what you are used to is poorly conceived. You are free to dislike it. But that doesn't make it bad. There are plenty of things that I don't like about v3 and v4. That doesn't make them stupid or poorly conceived.
In reply to I'm not sure why something… by bobjp
Because you’re not listening and neither were the developers. They still aren’t. You are reflexively defending this all while pointing to things that never had tabs.
I’m also entitled to my opinion.
It is, indeed, bad, as EVERYONE complaining has been pointing out. This simply doesn’t work as expected, and while I appreciate some of the improvements, the software needs to work as expected, and the changes shouldn’t massively disrupt how users work. That is indeed a poor conception, and you’re not obligated to respond so if you don’t want to listen, so I think I’m done here.
In reply to Because you’re not listening… by luntastonemason
I'm not defending anything. Just making observations. I hear (as in listening) all kinds of statements about the lack of tabs being bad. I never used tabs in MS3, so it makes no difference to me. But I would never make that decision for you. Bad for the way you work? Sure. Bad in general? Not so sure. You think the developers don't know how important tabs are? There may well be perfectly good reasons why there are no tabs. They may well come back. We may never see them again. Who knows.
"the software needs to work as expected". So it doesn't work as you expect it to work. That makes it a bad program. Yes I know lots of people use tabs. I am especially impressed with the organist that has 130 tabs open at once. But he doesn't really need MS4 for that.
Everyone uses the program differently. For me there are many,many things far more important that, in my opinion that need to be fixed first. But I forgot. You've decided we're done.
In reply to I'm not defending anything… by bobjp
Other things that Word does well despite being multi-window: change your ribbon in any of the Word window (+/- customize your MuseScore palettes), all other Windows immediately have your new ribbon. Or change an option, it is applied to all opened windows at once as well.
I also want to use multiple tabs. I often create a few different versions of a composition/arrangement at the same time so that I can see all my options and then decide which one I like best. I frequently switch between tabs. Switching to a whole new window is a huge pain. Please change this!
In reply to I also want to use multiple… by luvmyorange
Hmmm. In Windows I just mouse over the MS4 icon in the taskbar and select the instance I want. Maybe a second longer.
In reply to Hmmm. In Windows I just… by bobjp
Nevertheless this is a massive disruption to the workflow which shouldn’t have ever been introduced and should be fixed to allow for both options ASAP.
And in its current iteration, it’s terrible for macOS users.
In reply to Hmmm. In Windows I just… by bobjp
It's extremely annoying if you quite a few apps open. I'm in Linux and prefer to use alt-tab (or the "show all windows" KDE Plasma switcher). Both of these are made much more awkward when MuseScore has 4 or 5 instances open, when the old version just had one version open. To switch back from MuseScore to my browser or terminal now requires me to tab through 4 or 5 copies of MuseScore.
Imagine if your browser removed support for tabs, and you had a separate desktop window for every open tab. Yes, some people just work with one tab all the time and that's great. But other people have lots open at once.
In reply to It's extremely annoying if… by Desty Nova
I'm confused. If there are 4 or 5 instances open, the most recently one will be a single Alt+Tab. Only ones you haven't used as recently will require multiple (or long) presses. But with separate tabs, the single Alt+Tab takes you to the window where the most recent tab will be showing, then will take precisely the same number of presses of Ctrl+click to get to the desired score as it now takes Alt+Tab. Either that or click on the tab directly, but you can also click directly on the desired window within the Alt+Tab display. It's the same number of keypresses or clicks either way.
In reply to I'm confused. If there are… by Marc Sabatella
Sorry, but this is plain silly.
If multiple people complain that for them this is a pain in the neck, the proper thing is to accept that for a fact, not to berate them. And to think constructively about how to make life easier for them.
It's the user's experience that counts, not whatever you think they might do differently. (And a very complicated suggestion as well: how am I to keep in my head how many alt-tabs away is the score I want to switch to at this moment?)
And what you say makes no sense either: if I want to go to another tab on my Mac I do have to not press Ctrl+click a number of times, I simply click on the right tab in the same window. With different windows this is often not possible, because they will be hiding one another.
Please refrain from blindly telling people how stupid they are if they find this behavior inconvenient. Thank you.
In reply to Sorry, but this is plain… by johnweigand
No one has called anyone stupid. But you have called me "silly", which is an uncalled for personal attack that I will choose to ignore.
Just, as with anything where personal preference comes into it, there are some who prefer tabs over windows. But of course, there are also tons of people who prefer windows over tabs. If a way can be found to please both sets of users without re-introudcing the very serious playback limitations that plagued all previous versions of MuseScore, then I'm sure someone will implement it. Since MsueScore is open source,e anyone who is sufficiently expert on the technical issues involved is welcome to try to find a solution that so far has eluded the rest of us.
But - Mac is indeed a special case. There is a very serious known lijmtiation in that operating system where the multiple instance approach doesn't work as well as it does on Windows and Linux, because macOS has decided not to support this for some reason. So specific workarounds to problem with macOS are being investigated as well. But the person I was responding to is not on macOS - they are on Linux, which supports these multiple instances beautifully, as does Windows.
I'm no macOS expert, but the clicking I was referring to wasn't on the window itself, but on the thumbnail display shown by Alt-Tab (or whatever the macOS equivalent is). From what I understand, one of the limitations of macOS here is that those thumbnails don't display the name of the score, which is indeed unfortunately and I do hope someone was reported this issue to Apple. But for Windows and Linux, it is quite simple to click the name of the score you want to open. You can also do this directly from the taskbar icon. It's really quite convenient on Windows and Linux, so it's extremely unfortunately that Apple is making it more difficult for the developers to provide an equally good experience on macOS. But they keep trying to find ways.
In reply to No one has called anyone… by Marc Sabatella
I have not called you silly, I have called the content of your post silly. That is a very different thing, but frankly I'm not surprised that you do not understand the difference.
For the rest, suit yourself. You are so set in your opinions that I will never sway them. I just hope that those who are involved in the decision making will be more open to the issue.
In reply to I have not called you silly,… by johnweigand
Saying you are not surprised that I understood you (without taking responsibility for the confusion) is another personal attack I will choose to ignore.
Anyhow, what I wrote is no my "opinions". It is an accurate description of the actual technical issues involved. Those involved in the decision making are also well of these same issues, which is why the situation is as it is: this is literally the best that can be done based on what anyone involved has been able to figure out. There is no known way to eliminate the multiple instances without causing the unacceptable problems that plagued earlier versions. If someone comes up with a way, then I am quite sure it will be implemented, because everyone wants to find a workaround to this macOS limitation so that mac users can enjoy MU4 as much as Windows and Linux users already are.
In reply to Saying you are not surprised… by Marc Sabatella
How difficult to understand is the difference between "this is silly" in response to a post, and "you are silly"? Do you really not see that?
And you were not addressing technical issues at all, you were telling people to behave differently, and pretending that would be easy instead of clumsy. That was my point.
In reply to How difficult to understand… by johnweigand
I have no interest in debating whether calling a thread silly two shortly after I posted was meant to be personal or not. I will accept that you were not singling out me and my contributions in any way whatsoever if that's your position. Fine, every single person who has posted to this thread is being equally silly, no exceptions.
Describing the sequence of clicks and keystrokes required in order to accomplish a goal, and describing the specific limitations in macOS that cause things to be more difficult on that system, and the efforts to find workarounds to those issues, is addressing technical issues. I am also not interested in further debating the definition of "technical issues".
In reply to I have not called you silly,… by johnweigand
Your point was not a personal attack at all, and it’s a point which Marc has never understood.
In reply to Your point was not a… by luntastonemason
Thank you.
In reply to No one has called anyone… by Marc Sabatella
I don't believe anyone prefers to have a program open multiple times over the MUCH better workflow provided by being able to see multiple tabs and divide the screen horizontally and vertically without switching from instance to instance. It's also a problem if one is using a RAM hungry program [such as a DAW] alongside of Musescore. The lack of tabs and the subsequent inability to have a split screen completely disrupts my workflow and if someone could explain to me how this improves workflow I will be very surprised. BTW I am aware that I can do this within Windows with multiple instances of Musescore running but it is exceedingly more clumsy and does not solve the problem of working alongside other programs. It is NO improvement. Additionally, the tighter lockdown of automatic placement is annoying.
In reply to I don't believe anyone… by Russell Ferrara
I don't think anyone liked this (well, some few might, as even with Mu3 there were such requests). But here it just is a necessity, to cater for the new sound engine
In reply to I don't think anyone liked… by Jojo-Schmitz
That's why we have DAWs. As far as I knew Musescore is a notation program. Adding all these bells and whistles at the expense of workflow optimization is going to chase the pro users away. Unless you are trying to turn it into a DAW which will make it useless. It's bercoming unusable fast.
In reply to That's why we have DAWs. As… by Russell Ferrara
There is indeed a very nsmall percentage of MuseScore Studio users who prefer to use DAW software to manage their playback. But the vast majority of users - both amateurs and professionals such as myself - rely on the built-in playback and have expressed incredibly strong desire over the years to make that better. Which is why Muse Sounds now exists - to provide better out-of-the-box playback than would be possible even with a DAW unless you spend hundreds of dollars on commercial libraries and hundreds of hours custom tweaking the playback, which most amateurs would not have the expertise to do and most professionals would not have the time to do. It's a win for virtually everyone, including those who wish to use VST's, since those are supported now too.
In reply to There is indeed a very… by Marc Sabatella
That's fine but the playback doesn't need to be production quality and allowing that to interfere with the primary purpose of the software doesn't seem a very smart way to go to me. And it is not necessary to spend more than $100 to get absolutly incredible output. There are free DAWS, Reaper is $60 and they'll let you use it for free for a long time. It comes with a built in sample player and there are TONS of free high quality samples available not to mention free synths and instrument plug ins. If you try to be everything you could end up nothing.
In reply to That's fine but the playback… by Russell Ferrara
Fantastic playback doesn't interfere with the primary purpose in any way whatsoever. That's really the beauty of Muse Sounds - how directly it works from the notation itself, without all the extra layers of keyswitches and manually adjusted parameters that would be needed to achieve similar results via a DAW.
In any case, if you want to argue that people shouldn't care about fantastic playback and shouldn't want it to work directly out of the box and shouldn't want it to be free, feel free to first invent a time machine and then go back five years to have that argument with the thousands of users who have made that desired very clear over the years, and maybe then Muse Sounds won't be developed. And then you can come back and also explain why you think it's OK for tell other users they don't want what they want, but not OK for me to point out that switching windows take exactly the same number of keypresses/tabs as switching tabs :-)
In reply to That's why we have DAWs. As… by Russell Ferrara
@Russell Ferrara •
You could try MS3.7 Evolution which is an on-going development of MS3.6.2 and has some MS4 features backported. It has a multi-tabbed UI and a nice split screen mode. MIDI Out can be routed in real time to a VST or DAW for playback.
It might've been better to name MS4 as MuseScore Studio 1 since it really is a new build from the ground up and this may have tempered expectations. My hope is that MS5 will have the best of MS3 and MS4 and some other improvements on top. (MS4 does not currently support my workflow but the convenience of out-of-the-box high quality playback is a huge incentive for me to move across when it does).
In reply to You could try MS3.7… by yonah_ag
That is extreme. Probably 90%+ of the code is basically unchanged between MU3 and MU4 other than an automated pass to update to a more modern brace/indent style. The main UI and playback engine are largely rewritten but the main functionality is essentially unchanged. The amount of code and functionality that is consistent is probably great than between MU1 and MU2 or even MU2 and MU3. MU4 is absolutely positively unequivocally the followup release to MU3, and pretending otherwise is counterproductive to everyone.
In reply to That is extreme. Probably… by Marc Sabatella
OK, my mistake: I stand corrected.
In reply to That is extreme. Probably… by Marc Sabatella
You (Marc) say that MuseScore 4 is "absolutely positively unequivocally the followup release to MU3".
A strong statement, if there ever was one.
But that does not make it true. I do understand that Muse Group has a vested interest in exploiting MuseScore to help their commercial activities, and they have put in resources to build MU4, but that does not make it their property. Nor gives that anyone the right to claim it as the "official" successor to MuseScore 3.
MuseScore being an open source application, anyone has the right to follow up on any version as they see fit, and to publish that, as long as they keep it open source. Which Muse Group has done with MU3. As have the authors of MS3.7, also with MU3. There is no ground at all to call one the real "follow up release to MU3", and the other not.
Coming to that, anyone could take MuseScore 4, change it to their liking, and make it available to the public, without even consulting Muse Group. MuseScore (any version) is public property. That is the beauty of open source. Evolution by the community, and accountability for all.
In reply to You say that MuseScore 4 is … by johnweigand
My statement is strongly worded and absolutely positively unequivocally true. It is impossible to even consider continuing a discussion without full 100% agreement on this basic fact.
Since it appears that no one here has any interest in discussing facts or technical issues, I'll bow out of this thread. Which is too bad for anyone who actually does hope to see progress, because there is room for rational discussion of the issues. But if there is anyone interested in starting a productive discussion, they are welcome start a new thread.
In reply to My statement is strongly… by Marc Sabatella
I beg to differ:
The entire sound system, allmost the entire UI, large part of the layout engine have been rewritten. The entire thing has been disintegrated and put together again unto a different form and shape.
Alone the pretty long list of features that got removed speaks volumes.
In reply to I beg to differ: The entire… by Jojo-Schmitz
In reply to I beg to differ: The entire… by Jojo-Schmitz
If you take the amount of code overlap as criterion, as Marc seems to do, that would make, by his own reasoning, MS3.7 Evolution the proper successor, not MS4.
In reply to My statement is strongly… by Marc Sabatella
You (Marc Sabatella) say that no one here is willing to discuss facts. Well, I for one was reacting on your post that MS4 is "absolutely positively unequivocally the followup release to MU3", which you call a "basic fact". And I supported my position: that it is not, with arguments.
It is you who do not want to discuss this. Why not? You seem to find the issue very important. Why not defend your position by refuting my arguments? That would be discussing facts, would it not?
In reply to You say that MuseScore 4 is … by johnweigand
Re: johnweigand • Oct 12, 2024 - 10:49
That's a very good point.
For me, MS3.7 is the follow-up to MS3.6.2 as it improves my workflow over 3.6.2 whereas MS4 would currently be a regression due to missing features.
In reply to I don't believe anyone… by Russell Ferrara
Whether one prefers having multiple tabs or multiple windows open is entirely subjective. There is no substantive difference whatsoever when it comes to any objective measure, except on macOS which as mentioned does not support the specific "multiple instance" approach. it's literally six of one, a half dozen of the other. Many people subjectively prefer multiple windows, other subjectively prefer tabs, but there is no sense in which one is better. The advantage of the MU4 approach isn't the fact that it happens to have multiple windows (although I and many others do find that vastly preferable) - it's that the multiple instances allow different scores to use different playback libraries rather than forcing all open scores to use the same libraries or have stop and reload libraries each and every time you switch scores, which was the case prior to MU4. This has been explained over and over, so if you're looking for more info on that topic, just read through the rest of this thread and do a search for others on the topic.
You mention split screen, but this in no way whatsoever requires tabs. Multiple windows can also be arranged side by side, and a split screen view could theoretically be implemented without tabs. So that is an entirely unrelated issue.
I'm not sure what you mean about automatic placement - no major changes were implemented there - but that seems extremely unrelated. Best to start a new thread and attach the score you are having trouble with and describe which specific element you are having trouble placing manually or where you feel automatic placement is doing a worse job than it is used to. Then we can understand and assist better.
In reply to I'm confused. If there are… by Marc Sabatella
"Either that or click on the tab directly, but you can also click directly on the desired window within the Alt+Tab display. It's the same number of keypresses or clicks either way."
Marc, you're right in theory, but it's poor UX in practice. Consider these 3 points:
With the tabbed interface of Mu3, only one alt-tab is needed to get back to Mu3, with all of my opened compositions neatly arranged. I can immediately see at a glance the other files I'm working on and switch between them.
Now that Mu4 has switched to one instance/window per composition, that contextual grouping is gone. It's like opening up a paper file folder and throwing all the sheets on the floor: yes, in theory I can just pick up any particular sheet from the floor, but it was much more convenient and organised when they were in the folder.
Consider also the number of alt-tabs to get OUT of MuseScore. The specific example that prompted my post above was that I opened 5 compositions, then wanted to switch back to Firefox. With Mu3 it would have taken exactly one alt-tab; now it takes five.
While I agree that "SDI vs MDI" is a subjective preference, the fact is that many users were happy with the MDI behaviour for years. That behaviour suddenly changed and it's natural that some of those users want to express their preference for how it worked before. Personally it's not a deal-breaker for me because KDE Plasma has an incremental search feature for open windows -- in situations like this I can hit Super+Esc and type "muse" to filter only the MuseScore windows and get what I need. But still, I prefer the previous approach which didn't explode more windows onto my desktop (I currently have 18 windows open and it's usually more than that, since I just rebooted recently).
In reply to "Either that or click on the… by Desty Nova
I only need one click or keypress to see the list of my open scores in MU4 as well. It's literally the exact same number of keypresses or clicks either way. If anyone is still having trouble seeing how to do this, that's fine, just ask and we're always happy to help.
While there is currently no way to organize your open windows built into MuseScore Studio, most OS's and or desktop environments / window managers provide such mechanisms, so it really doesn't seem that necessary for MuseScore to implement a competing one of its own. But if was enough interest in such a thing, it would be perfectly possible to build it on top of a multi-window model. And arguably better. In MU3, I often had more tabs open than would fit across the window, so I was constantly scrolling through them desperately trying to find the right now. Clicking the taskbar icon in MU4 is a huge improvement in that respect even if they aren't ordered in any meaningful way.
It is true that if you've most recently been working on all five of those open scores and have visited those windows more recently than Firebox, it will take one (not five unless your window manager is poorly configured) click or keypress to return to Firebox via Alt+Tab. But if you're literally working all five of those windows that often, then switching out of that and going back to Firefox is not likely to be something you are doing more than once an hour or so. And still only one click to use your taskbar or whatever your window manager calls it.
So, yes, there are absolutely tradeoffs here - certainly use cases where multiple windows saves a click others where tab does, but overall, it's essentially a wash. And even if a statistical analysis proves there is addition click er hour or whatever, that's still a microscopically minuscule price to pay for the absolutely mind-blowingly great advances made possible in return.
I agree.
It is much more convenient to use tabbed interface.
And where is the save button?? Why do I need 2 click to save?
In reply to I agree. It is much more… by Oded Violin
As per Martin Keary (AKA Tantacrul) the Save Button "is a thing of the 90s" and therefor got removed...
(Don't dare to critisize that or any other decision or he'll harrass you until the end of time for "defending rubbish ideas", no joke, believe me, I know what I'm talking about here)
Shortcut Ctrl+S to the rescue
In reply to As per Martin Keary (AKA… by Jojo-Schmitz
This is so stupid. And patronizing.
My hand is on the mouse.
I need to leave the mouse to press contrl+s.
Why not let me choose by myself?
Why not add an option in the preferences or view menu to hide or show the save button?
In reply to This is so stupid. And… by Oded Violin
You've been warned ;-)
In reply to This is so stupid. And… by Oded Violin
You have two hands? One for the mouse, one for the keyboard shortcut?
In reply to You have two hands? One for… by RobFog
That's the patronizing I'm talking about.
Yes, I do have two hands.
And I might choose other ways to use them than what you think.
In reply to That's the patronizing I'm… by Oded Violin
Patronising? I just responded to your claim about the hand having to leave the mouse.
In reply to Patronising? I just… by RobFog
Well, my workflow is left hand on NumPad for the duration, right hand on mouse to place the notes
In reply to Patronising? I just… by RobFog
Not you. Musescore.
In reply to This is so stupid. And… by Oded Violin
@Oded Violin
It's not stupid but I totally agree with all your other points, especially on adding an option. Personally, I'm a Ctrl-S type but I know that a lot of people prefer to have a save button in their apps.
I wonder what MS would do in the "not-going-to-happen" iPad version, where you can't press Ctrl-S. "Sorry, you can't save, it's too '90s!" ;-)
In reply to As per Martin Keary (AKA… by Jojo-Schmitz
If they want to remove the save button, then they should do auto-save, like in google drive...
Some people are talking here about tabs or not, new windows, etc.
It would be fine if it weren't tabs, but different windows in the same instance of the application. I don't have a problem with different windows like you get in Word, Pages, Numbers, etc. as opposed to tabs, but the problem as I see it is that there are standard macOS shortcuts to switch between open documents in a single application. I can use cmd ~ to live cycle through open documents in a single application easily. I do it all the time. Tap until the document I want is frontmost. No guesswork. Some would argue this is better than tabs because you don't have to use the mouse/trackpad to get to any particular document.
Or, I can use the Window menu or the Dock icon of the application to see which documents I have open and select the one I want. But, MuseScore has no Window menu (I don't know if the Apple HIG says they should. MuseScore 3 doesn't have one, either) so that option is out. When I tried the Dock menu, I got weird results. Sometimes it switched application instances, other times it did that and resized the window for some unknown reason.
Some have suggested using cmd-tab (Application Switcher) to switch between MuseScore instances. The problem with that is while cmd ~ keeps you in the application and lets you live switch, cmd-tab only shows you the application, not which document you might end up at. You can also easily end up in another application if you slip. Cmd~ lets me go, "oh, not that one, maybe the next one" but cmd-tab switches the order of the apps, so if I go to another app and want to go back to MuseScore, the order might have changed or if I've been in several apps the different ones are moved around. Frankly, it's just not how we are used to working on macOS.
I understand that there is a technical reason they made this choice. I am grateful these guys have been developing MuseScore and very happy to use it over the paid apps, each of which I have a reason I don't want to use. But I really hope they find a way to not need to open multiple instances of MuseScore 4 soon, because I really struggle with it and I've found myself preferring to stick with MuseScore 3 for now.
In reply to Some people are talking here… by jmuscara
jmuscara wrote I understand that there is a technical reason they made this choice. I am grateful these guys have been developing MuseScore and very happy to use it over the paid apps, each of which I have a reason I don't want to use. But I really hope they find a way to not need to open multiple instances of MuseScore 4 soon, because I really struggle with it and I've found myself preferring to stick with MuseScore 3 for now.
Ditto to that.
I also agree with jmuscara's second and third paragraphs. Particularly where he wrote: Frankly, it's just not how we are used to working on MacOS. and I can use cmd ~ to live cycle through open documents in a single application easily. I do it all the time. Tap until the document I want is frontmost. No guesswork. Some would argue this is better than tabs...
Command ~ is also my way of cycling through the app's open documents on MacOS. Very clean and easy. And it keeps a stack of the most recently viewed, so it's simple to toggle between the last two viewed or edited documents.
I rarely use the Window menu but it can be very handy too.
MuseScore 4 is massively better in almost every way than 3 except for this separate application, it is a real pain, and also makes loading a score really slow if you already have MuseScore open, instead of near instantly. Hope this can be fixed in the future.
Yep, I work on many scores at the same time for website content so the tabs option was awesome. It's not a huge deal though. I use Logic for example and you have to have separate windows for each project so it's just a case of getting used to it. Sad to see screen shot gone too because I used it tons for cutting up charts to add them to tutorial videos.
By no means complaining though for a free open source app it's incredible, I've used them all and Musescore is the best notation app by far. So easy to use and intuitive. You can't believe the amount of work that's gone into developing MS4, hats off to the developers!
In reply to Yep, I work on many scores… by philwil20121
The image capture functionality will be returning. :-)
In reply to The image capture… by RobFog
Is the roadmap published?
In reply to Is the roadmap published? by graffesmusic
Not yet, but it is in the making
In reply to The image capture… by RobFog
For real! That's awesome I use it a lot. Saves time too because it exports to png. Thanks.
In reply to For real! That's awesome I… by philwil20121
So does the screenshot tool provided by your OS, though. It's actually only for SVG that you really need the old built-in image capture within MuseScore.
There's a perfect German word for this: "verschlimmbessern!"
I really hate the new behavior. It's also awful because it bloats the memory usage. Looking at my tasks, having two windows open with 1 sheet in each, the second process takes a whole other half Gb of memory. That's really awful for multitasking on the computer. Often I'll have something open while I'm working on a different thing, and flip back to it. Currently musescore3 is much better for that use
Yeah the nonexistence of this feature is the main thing keeping me using Musescore 3. And honestly it's a showstopper for me, it sucks that this feature isn't in Musescore 4. The devs should add it in ASAP imo.
In reply to Yeah the nonexistence of… by Trolligi
Can you explain more about what prevents you from using this? I honestly don't understand - most other major applications also display separate documents in separate windows.
As explained elsewhere, it's really just not feasible to force all documents to live in the same process any more, since that would go back to the dark agers fo also forcing all scores to use the same sounds. Barely tolerable if all you have is soundfonts, but in a world of VST and Muse Sounds, it would not work at all.
In reply to Can you explain more about… by Marc Sabatella
You are probably on Windows, where you wouldn't notice the difference. On Mac it is a major issue.
Having separate windows is not the real usability issue. In fact, I would like separate windows for individual scores. But the root problem her are separate processes for each score.
On the user interface side, this clutters your dock - the place down on the screen where your apps show their icons. All MuseScore instances running, one for each open document, have an icon here and there is no way of telling which icon refers to which instance. If you want to go to another document, you have to pick one of the identical icons and hope that it is the right one. (There is no indication which one you are looking at if you hover over the icon, as on Windows.) If you work on a number of scores concurrently, that is practically unworkable.
On the implementation side, there are really different instances of the app running. That can take up a lot, sometimes too much, of system resources. Also, they all have their own settings - if you change one, it doesn't reflect on the others. Usually that is not what you want.
I don't agree with your estimation that forcing all documents in the same process would necessarily force all scores to have the same sounds. That is currently the case, due to some architectural decisions made regarding the way the sound libs, in particular MuseSounds, are accessed, but there is no reason to think that needs to be the case.
I think with a bit of redesign of the architecture that restriction could be lifted. That redesign would have to take place both at the MuseScore side but also on the MuseSounds side. I do not think it would be terribly difficult if looked at in the right way, and most of the working code could remain as it is. I am a software architect and would be happy to contribute to such a discussion.
In reply to You are probably on Windows,… by user2442
Indeed, this limitation of macOS is a drag, but I don’t see how it would be a deal breaker. Cmd+Tab still works normally, does it not? And surely having incredibly superior engraving and playback or more important than the number of icons on your dock?
It’s not an “estimation” that placing all scores in the same instance means using the same sounds. Its an implementation reality. That’s the entire reason for the change. In theory one could fake this by unloading and loading sounds every time you switch scores hit it would be horrifically slow.
But if you believe you have found a solution that all the developers
missed, your code contribution would of course be most welcome !
In reply to Indeed, this limitation of… by Marc Sabatella
If Cmd+Tab would work, there would be no issue. But it has the same problem as the dock: you can't tell to which score you are tabbing.
The "estimation" under discussion is not about how things are now, as you seem to think. I know how they are. It is your apparent idea that forcing all documents in the same process would necessarily force all scores to have the same sounds. I don't think that is the case. It is a result of architecture decisions, that I think could have been made differently.
Of course I have no ready code to solve the issue. That is not how software architecture works. Solutions can only be found in constructive and open dialog. With open minds on all sides, a solution can be found. And I am willing to participate in that.
In reply to If Cmd+Tab would work, there… by user2442
Wow, I didn’t realize macOS didn’t show document names - that’s crazy! Hopefully someone has complained to Apple.
As for what you think is the case abint the code and architecture, as I said, if you’ve studied it and think you’ve found a solution the developers all missed, they’d love to hear about it! but as it is, I see no reason to assume it is other than what they have all concluded.
In reply to Wow, I didn’t realize macOS… by Marc Sabatella
Again, as I said, I have no solution ready. I have no insight in the architecture, half of which is in closed source anyway. But an architect would need no access to the code to assess the situation and find alternative ways.
First step would be to find out what the actual setup is, and why that implies the current situation. That can only be achieved through dialog with people who know the code and the architecture. Only then one can start thinking about alternative ways. I would be very surprised to find that impossible.
In reply to Wow, I didn’t realize macOS… by Marc Sabatella
Hi Marc--I think this comment hits the nail on the head. As a Mac user, this issue also unfortunately feels like a deal breaker for me. The multiple open windows aren't named after the projects; they simply read "MuseScore 4". So then command+tab is a bit of a crapshoot. I now routinely have to root through my several open windows (currently 7), trying to find the intended project. Whereas in the past it was an easy click on the named tab. I wish Apple could do something about it, however I do believe the quickest route to a fix would be through the developers of MuseScore.
I love the playback that MuseScore offers--I make frequent use of it. But if the new and improved playback is the reason for the new formatting, I would love the option to forfeit some of its quality so that I could have my beloved MuseScore 3 tabs back.
In reply to Can you explain more about… by Marc Sabatella
As an observation, take Reaper for example. I can load multiple projects there in a tabbed interface each with a completely different set of VSTs (or a mix of shared and different VSTs).
I see MuseScore being very analogous to a DAW with each instrument being a MIDI track feeding through to one or more VSTs (instrument and optional effects). If other DAWs can present a tabbed interface for projects, it doesn't seem an unsolvable problem.
But (as I've said before), for me it's a minor nuisance that once I get more comfortable with it'll get better.
In reply to As an observation, take… by thomaswb
The multi-tab problem isn't a "Mac only undisplayed file name" issue.
It is an issue for all platforms that "global" settings (palettes, options, ...) changed in one instance aren't effective in other ones without closing and reopening them.
And that "last closed instance" wins for the saved settings.
With that into consideration the correct way to change settings is to have one opened instance only, make your change, close and then only (re-)open the documents.
I hope you realize this is an inconvenience.
And I don't know why the chrome example is dismissed so easily. MuseScore needs a different process by document for sound? Well guess what Chrome tabs have all their individual process.
In reply to The multi-tab problem isn't… by frfancha
Indeed, there are other minor inconveniences caused by this necessity. I am not saying anyone loves everything about the current solution, but until someone with more advanced technical than any of us (including the developers) have proposes a better one, it's what we have, and minor nuisances aside, it's still light years better than what existed before.
Ad for Chrome, again, Chrome doesn't have to deal with VST or Muse Sources.
In reply to Indeed, there are other… by Marc Sabatella
Yes, Chrome is probably not the best example but existing DAWs that do handle VSTs, audio input and output, and provide a tabbed interface for multiple projects is a perfect example. And, also yes, I really do appreciate the new capabilities of MS4!
I really wish I had the bandwidth to dig into the new sound engine code (if it's even all viewable up on git, that is). Because my sneaking suspicion is that it must be using process level global variables for its operation which is why each score needs a separate process. Encapsulating those into thread local storage instead is a doable thing, the scope of which depends on how modular the access to those variables is to begin with.
I understand why people are frustrated with this. Musescore has advanced and it's working more like a DAW or Video editing app with VST plugins and other sound options so opening a new file is like opening a new video or audio project which is more demanding on the system where as before you could switch between projects on tabs and they would load instantly.
I think the best and easiest solution would be to have an option in settings that would disable the advanced audio features and only run soundfont if people didn't want all the fancy stuff and this would allow for tabs to be used once again, kind of like a simple mode and advanced mode option.
It's incredible the amount of work gone into making these new features but unfortunately I don't think most people really use them that much unless you're writing big scores etc. I think most of us are just writing out lead sheets and don't need to use plugins.
Either way it's still the best and easiest to use notation app I've ever used and it's free and I'm very grateful for the developers that put time into making it.
In reply to I understand why people are… by philwil20121
In reply to I understand why people are… by philwil20121
I think the best and easiest solution would be to have an option in settings that would disable the advanced audio features and only run soundfont if people didn't want all the fancy stuff and this would allow for tabs to be used once again, kind of like a simple mode and advanced mode option.
I find that an excellent suggestion, until the issue has really been solved. People spend most of their time on MuseScore editing scores, not generating sound files. Only if you are done editing, you could switch to "advanced" for a moment.
Of course, in the "simple" case one would want the single process instance back or nothing would be gained. Some work would have to go into that, but not too much I think.
Maybe even better, and even simpler: go back to how it was and only allow basic sound fonts. No problem to implement. Create a separate "mode" for generating sounds with MuseSounds or whatever, on a per score basis. You can configure what sounds you want in the normal editor, only thing is you can't hear them until you switch to "sound generation". That will be for the current score only. At that time the rich sounds are loaded as indicated for that score, and you can hear them and save the audio file. Of course, in that mode you can further tweak your sound configuration and that would be retained with the score if you go back to editing. You could even allow editing in this mode, but only on the score being worked on. The others would be "frozen" during sound generation mode, or rather, for them no sound generation would be possible at that time.
So, the work flow would be as follows: work on any number of scores, in a single process instance. Multiple windows, one for each score with tabs for parts are fine. When you want to work on the full sounds for a score, switch to sound generation. That works for that score only. You can continue to edit it, and hear the result with full sound quality. When you are satisfied you go back to full editing mode where you can switch between scores as much as you like.
I'm probably not the right one to comment on this but my main tool engraving music is Lilypond together with Frescobaldi on a Windows OS. In Frescobaldi you can have as many scores open as you want in a tabbed window. One problem with this is that at some time you won't see all tabs at once and have to scroll to see them. The second problem is that the tab get narrower and narrower (down to 8 characters I think) and then you cannot see anyway which file you are searching for. So, even if I shorten the file name to Vi1 but reuse this in more than one piece, you get two instances of Vi1 in the tabs which is not very useful.
Ok, this can be solved by a smart naming convention, but what is more important for me is to have more than one instance visible at the same time. If I work on two pieces at the same time, it's extremely helpful and time saving to see both scores at the same time (provided you have more than two monitors). I normally used three large monitors and it's really a nightmare to be forced to use a single laptop screen and tabbed scores.
If I need more than one score at the same time, I therefore open an additional instance of Frescobaldi and place that view on the other monitor. This is necessary because you cannot "pull" the tab and place that view on about score (like Chrome).
I've not worked with MuseScore 3.x but only 4.0.x and have no experience with Mac so I cannot compare.
In reply to I'm probably not the right… by TomStrand
It's the exact same issue in MuseScore 3 which is one reason why many find the separate windows to be superior, and why so many users have request it over the years. It's a minor difference in the grand scheme of things, but, as with Coke vs Pepsi, there will always be those preferring one over the other strongly enough that they will choose an otherwise inferior restaurant just because they serve the soft drink of their choice :-)