Building Musescore with Visual Studio 2022

• Dec 18, 2022 - 02:41

I have been having some trouble getting Musescore to compile on my computer with Visual Studio 2022. I was able to generate a solution file, but I get linker errors when building it.

Many are similar to this:
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol WINRT_GetRestrictedErrorInfo referenced in function "public: __cdecl winrt::hresult_error::hresult_error(struct winrt::hresult,struct winrt::take_ownership_from_abi_t)"

I also get the error: "Variable CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is defined multiple times."

Additionally, set the generator in CMakeSettings.json to "Visual Studio 17 2022" in order to generate the solution.

I am wondering if there are fixes to these errors and if I should even be using Visual Studio 2022 since the instructions are for VS2019. I would prefer it but if I had to use a different version of VS that would be fine.

[Update]: I eventually just installed VS 2019 and followed the directions again, but I am still getting the same linker errors(except for the cmake one). Any help for those would still be appreciated.

Thanks for the help,


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