A different red note problem

• Dec 31, 2022 - 19:15

I am using Musescore 3, a late edition. Many have asked about red notes, which usually indicate a note out of range for the instrument. However, one also occasionally sees red notes temporarily during playback of a manuscript, when selecting a range of notes, or when clicking on a specific note.

In two instances, it appeared to recognize parallel fifths and highlighted these errors with red, as I have described. Kind of cool. Like having Nadia Boulanger watching over your shoulder.

But other errors I do not recognize. Is there more information about this somewhere? I searched "red" and "red notes" and reviewed about 10 pages of discussion (all that I could find) but nobody has even mentioned it.


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In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks! You're absolutely right. I just discovered this on my own -- voice 3 is red, and that's what I'm seeing. Voice 2 is green, and hard to see at all. I rarely use voice 4. So all that I saw was red notes and it didn't occur to me that it might be the voicing until I serendipitously glanced at the voice section of the screen.

Now: how can you explain the parallel fifths? Just kidding. Probably so many of them that a few random notes will turn up such errors.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I don't see anything in the link you provided that says anything about red notes... what am I missing?
I imported a chart from an XML file that was created in another music software (Finale I think). Would that have anything to do with why I'm seeing lots of red notes?
What can I do to make them black?
Thank you.

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