MS3: I'm not certain I hear dynamics change for 'hairpin' markings, for synthesizer instruments

• Jan 16, 2023 - 20:38

If I solo, say, the 3rd instrument "New Age Synthesizer" in this piece, I CAN discern the CHANGE in dynamics ON the note where the dynamic is placed, but for crescendo & decrescendo markings, I CAN'T discern the volume change. Might this be a manifestation of synthesized instruments in MS? In the 'Piano' instrument, dynamics change during a hairpin is clearly audible. Thanks.

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thirty_fingers.mscz 45.9 KB


Ok, yes, I've found duplicated dynamics, where something like "p --cresc--- mf" is written, then some measures later I have " [nothing] --- cresc --- mf". I've removed those. But my question still stands.

In reply to by msfp

Yes, mm28-31. Ok, what I did was to remove the Aegean Symphonic Orchestra soundfont. I guess that makes sure "New Age Synthesizer" comes from the default MS soundfont. Then, for those measures, I changed the dynamics to "pp to ff". The volume now works as desired.

Thanks for the 'soundlevel' link. That plus the connect 'Hairpin' Handbook page have alot of information.

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default_MS_soundfont.png 36.05 KB
all_instruments_pulldown.png 147.78 KB

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