Finale-style input mode

• Feb 20, 2023 - 12:50

I like MuseScore a lot but the workflow for entering notes is very slow to me.
Please add a variant of the rhythm-input-mode in this way:
- when I enter 5 a quarter rest appears
- when I enter 5 whilst holding a note or chord on my Midi Keyboard, that note appears as a quarter note
- when I repeatedly enter 4 whilst holding a note or chord on my Keyboard, several 8th notes appear
- when I play on my Midi Keyboard without entering a number, nothing happens.

Please please please, it's so much faster! Not only for diehard Finale users who are used to it (and can enter scores like a rocket) but also for MuseScore users without a history with Finale.

I know this is requested in other forum posts over the years, but it was never implemented. I guess because people thought it's just about getting used to a different approach. But this is not about different, it's about speed, Musescore's input methods will for common scores be slower, so please please please!


I use a mouse to enter notes, so I understand that my input doesn't count.
But I do have a question for you. As I read through the manual about midi keyboard note entry. I notice that it is backwards from what you request. Select 5 and enter pitches with the midi keyboard.
My question is that if it is about speed, is it not possible to be just as fast either way?
It seems more like playing the piano to enter pitches with the keyboard. Rather than selecting a pitch with it, but entering it with the computer keyboard.

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