Can't get multiple measures repeat to work in 3.6.2

• May 7, 2023 - 20:04

I have been looking at the handbook for adding a multi measure repeat, but I can't make it work. I try "more" in "Repeats & Jumps" palet, I just don't find it. Is that because I am using Musescore 3.6.2, unable to upgrade on my platform?

I don't really want to repeat the last measures anyway. The horns just have two lines to repeat anyway. I want the horns to go back to the 4 measure verse written out in the first system and repeat it 4 times, then repeat the 8 measure chorus twice, then the verse twice, then the chorus, verse and ending. Not sure how to write it properly, but I thought I would avoid copying the notes down to keep the horn parts on one page.

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Multi measure repeats are a feature of MuseScore 4 (but even therwe don't yet work playbackwise)
In Mu3 you'd have to 'emulate' them with a hidden staff having the notes and a manually put measure repeat sign

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