MuseScore 4.2 doesn't "remember" microtonal accidentals

• Dec 20, 2023 - 01:45

The addition of microtone playback is an important step in the right direction for MuseScore. However, it's clear that they aren't fully integrated. Look at this part:
Screenshot 2023-12-19 173253.png
I think you would agree that the F's are all F-half-sharps (accidentals are remembered to the end of the measure). However, MuseScore 4.2 will only play F-half-sharp for the notes that have the half-sharp symbol attached. The rest it plays as naturals. It should play all of them as F-half-sharps.

The current workaround is to attach accidentals to all notes and make them invisible as desired.

Again though, adding preliminary microtonal playback is a good feature to have in MuseScore 4.2


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