Musescore 4: Playback of selected measures along with real-time MIDI keyboard notes?

• Dec 21, 2023 - 19:29


If I select (say) 10 measures of a piece for repeat playback, having parts for (say) violins, cellos, and contrabasses, can I then select (say) a bassoon and while listening to the playback also sound, through my MIDI keyboard, bassoon notes? I don't want to record the bassoon notes, just hear what they'd sound like when added to the playback.

The above may note be possible, but after doing a quick search on 'musescore midi keyboard' and 'musescore playback with midi keyboard', I didn't see anything pointing to an answer. And of course, my apologies if I missed something in either the online documentation or the discussion forum that would immediately answer my question.


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